Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [conj] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Studying the history of marriage customs may show that some of today 's reproductive practices may not be as revolutionary as they are sometimes made out to be .
2 The woman who believes that pregnancy is a physiological process and not a pathological one may decide that neither of her doctors is correct .
3 While a lack of entry qualifications did not rank as the most important reason overall for not doing a course , the 14% who did need entry qualifications may suggest that some of the non-enrollers had insufficient information about the courses they were applying to and , consequently , applied to courses for which they had insufficient entry qualifications .
4 You may realise that neither of these labels could apply , and that there are just some bad faults on both sides that need putting right , through frank discussion , backed by a genuine desire to make the relationship work .
5 In a month of little daylight and with our minds on Christmas coming up , we may forget that many of our wild animals are still very active .
6 But leaving Matron aside , you may notice that some of the older boys are half-boys and half-men .
7 We may find that some of the ideas we want to test are very difficult ones ; certainly , in using this particular example of baptism , we are not taking the easiest idea ever put forward .
8 If you already work in a shop — or have done shop work in the past you may find that some of the procedures described here are done differently where you work .
9 But you may find that some of these skills could be taught to others , so that you are not always responsible for cooking meals , or washing and ironing clothes .
10 ‘ I think you may find that some of your less youthful associates have difficulty with the stairs , ’ he says .
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