Example sentences of "may [be] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is that , no matter how good any one predator 's vision may be under some conditions , it can be exceedingly poor under other conditions .
2 Unlike an industrial accident involving a single emission source , the pollutants contributing to an urban smog are emitted from numerous diverse sources and may be of many types .
3 These may be of several kinds : point mutations involving protein coding genes or tRNA ( 5–9 ) , or more substantial deletion ( 10–12 ) or duplication type mutations ( 13 ) , localized by most studies in a highly specific single-strand zone during replication ( 14–16 ) .
4 Second , trust presupposes a conscious and reasoned decision by the patient which , in fact , may be beyond many patients who , through pain , the effect of drugs , or unconsciousness , can not make such decisions .
5 Indeed no one yet knows what a ‘ natural ’ or ‘ equilibrium ’ level of fertility may be in such societies .
6 It may be in these circumstances that moderation rather than liberation is more likely to achieve results , but it is a matter of interpretation whether the results achieved by good behaviour are worth the energy required .
7 For example , it may be in some cases a more rigorous test to cycle 24 hourly at 45°C and room temperature , than to store continuously at 45°C .
8 The fact that some providers , including NHS trusts , have run out of money is not solely a problem of inefficiency or poor resource management ( although it may be in some cases ) ; it is also a reflection of the diversity and complexity of the demand for health care , which makes it so unpredictable .
9 It is only necessary to compare the living conditions of laborers in nonindustrial areas with those of industrial workers , miserable as these may be in some cases , to be aware of the material benefits of the conversion to machine technology .
10 However , the reputation of the cataloguer may be in some instances considered decisive ; the picture is by Van Gogh if it is in the book by de la faille ; a painting by Berthe Morisot needs to be approved by Bataille and Wildenstein ; an authentic work by Picasso will be found in Zervos .
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