Example sentences of "may [verb] [adv] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The accelerated gastric emptying of both liquids and solids in the patients with idiopathic DU may explain why their ulcer disease was more difficult to control with antisecretory agents and the use of pharmalogical agents to delay gastric emptying might be helpful .
2 While Dawkins can not be blamed for it , modern enthusiasm for the ‘ enterprise society ’ may explain why his parable of selfish genes has commonly been elided with the selfish intentions of individuals .
3 Apart from the three subjects intensively taught , pupils may make up their timetables with scraps of non-examined , and therefore non-serious , odds and ends .
4 Quantum mechanically we may know either its position or its momentum but not both .
5 you may send in your questions anonymously if you wish .
6 Whilst it is true that the port authority may carry out its functions through another person such as the dock company , it does not follow that in the absence of statutory authority it can itself transfer any statutory immunities to the entity through which it chooses to operate .
7 We may pour out our hearts about the situation in which we find ourselves , expressing our trust , hope and confidence .
8 But they may find themselves unprepared for the pain and the sense of loss that the achieving of that goal may bring in its wake .
9 As horse trading is the only remaining aspect of the fair , the next year or two may see either its demise or revival .
10 As it is , he slyly suggests that minor artists may look down their noses at major ones and that ‘ important ’ work may be left to persons of an inferior kennel , like the Russians , the Germans , the Americans , who , poor dears , know no better .
11 If cornered , they may thrust out their limbs in a fully stretched posture , flatten their bodies and then hold this rigid , spread-eagled pose until danger has passed .
12 Finally , the person speaking for the Council will sum up their reasons ; and you , or the person speaking for you , may sum up your reasons .
13 Naturally a candidate 's response may alter once our client 's identity is revealed .
14 Phoning an HIV/AIDS helpline ( see Helplist ) may sort out your doubts , as well as making clear what you need to do to avoid HIV in the future .
15 They may disclose only their name , rank , date of birth and serial number ‘ or equivalent ’ ; if bullied , their best technique is to send up the unseen questioner .
16 In such cases : * buyers may deliberately use two suppliers ( this is called using a dual source ) ; * buyers may take over their suppliers completely .
17 He may take away my friends .
18 First though , let us explore the more tangible routes an essential oil may take on its sojourn through mind-body .
19 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail Parcelforce .
20 It is an independent statutory body , which can give you advice and may take up your enquiry with Royal Mail .
21 This raises very complicated questions , as yet not fully resolved by the courts , as to the extent to which a director who holds shares may take off his director 's hat and attempt to ratify as a shareholder his own alleged misconduct .
22 If nothing is done , the game will degenerate into absurdity — and one of those hooligans we are looking to stamp out may take out his frustrations on the officials .
23 The first one is the possibility being mooted that BP Coal may sell off its interests in the area to another company , as part of a wider restructuring .
24 At somewhat higher Rayleigh number theory still provides much understanding of the observations , but the experiments are less peripheral ; e.g. they may indicate just what flow patterns should be included in the theoretical analysis .
25 Here he proclaimed the Peace of God for the whole regnum ( realm — an ambiguous term , which may mean simply his demesne , or the old duchy of Francia ) , in accordance with the twentieth canon of the Second Lateran Council ( 1139 ) , and established penalties for the violation of that peace .
26 The goat may bleat loudly and persistently and may go off her food ; she may jump other goats or be jumped by them .
27 Tank care : They are sensitive to moves and may go off their food .
28 For example , a company may pay off its bank overdraft ahead of its other liabilities because the directors have given personal guarantees to the bank .
29 And I tell you now in order that you may reckon well what chance is left of keeping any hope of peace alive , after this skirmish .
30 However , do n't make too much of a habit of switch-changing because the opponent may pick up your rhythm and attack just as you are in the middle of a change .
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