Example sentences of "very good [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But before the great affair struck up , one looked around at the new faces : Steve Milligan , who used to be our foreign editor at the Sunday Times , Lady Olga Maitland , nicer than her impossible opinions , whom I chiefly remember for being very good about expenses at the Sunday Express ( one wonders if Kelvin Mackenzie might have slipped in late for Chislehurst ) , Nigel Jones , the Lib Dem from Cheltenham with the Lenin beard , and a man and woman sitting together , pointed out as Gordon and Brigid Prentice who , if they flourish in Labour politics , will be compared in the Sun two elections from now with the Ceausescus .
2 I 'm not very good with things like that .
3 I do n't actually I 'm not very good on films at all
4 So this g very good for things like shock like when my husband gets a telephone bill ,
5 If you are n't very good at thinking of ideas , try using other people 's ideas as a springboard for your own .
6 Erm we 're very good at lot of plans , practical working , and carrying out in a specific way .
7 We find these look very good in tanks with a white or coral substrate — preferably stocked with black or silver Mollies .
8 Councillor our our void times are are are very good in terms of the turnaround .
9 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
10 May I take this opportunity of wishing my right hon. Friend the very best of luck at the Agriculture Council meeting next week , when the future of agricultural policy and the appalling proposals of Mr. MacSharry will be discussed ?
11 We shall all miss him and want to wish him , his wife and their children and , the very best of luck for the future .
12 Our Warburg customers expect and receive the very best of services in the attractive restaurant with crisp linen tablecloths , black leather chairs and fresh flowers .
13 Noel 's colleagues all wish him well and the very best of health in his retirement , which fortunately is only partial since for the next few years he remains with us as Research Professor in German .
14 I happen to think that the prosecution here and the investigating team have done the very best of jobs in the right spirit and in the fairest frame of mind — of that I am totally convinced .
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