Example sentences of "very [adj] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My family 's history is very tied to this lodge .
2 Erm you did try and pick up , I think you realized that er you had n't done your ref er your referrals properly at the beginning and you actually came back to it erm at the end erm trying to pick up on where you left off and erm Martin was very non-committal at that point .
3 Certainly Superintendent , who is my immediate senior officer , is very supportive of this proposition .
4 Gerd clearly is very apprehensive of this place , wo n't enter here , and if forced to do so the terrible event described in the next section occurs automatically , right in the doorway .
5 Kim was also very destructive of any property not her own .
6 The speculative demand for money is very low at this interest rate and equal to only £5 million .
7 ‘ We feel so very sorry for this girl , coming all this way for nothing .
8 I am very sorry for any offence that has been caused .
9 ‘ I 'm very sorry about that crash , Mr Leland .
10 He spoke earnestly : ‘ I am very sorry about this Spidex business , Rober' .
11 There seems to me to be something very wrong-headed about this move , both in the areas of free will and of scepticism .
12 It 's the program that 's very specific to this problem .
13 Clearly it 's it 's very difficult to er to be very specific about this sort of thing .
14 ‘ Oh , we prefer to keep our relationship very private at this stage , ’ she answered the other nurse , sounding much less assured , now , to her own ears , and regretting that she had started this silly game .
15 ‘ They 're all very friendly with each other , ’ I replied cautiously .
16 you see coming off the th there 's a straight bit erm , but she was very friendly with this woman 's mother
17 Léger appears to have joined the circle at Mercereau 's later in the same year , probably introduced by Delaunay with whom he was becoming very friendly at this period .
18 New Guinea has both such features , whereas Africa has been very stable in this regard , while contact with Laurasian floras has been restricted by desert barriers and this contrasts with the intermingling in other tropical regions .
19 Julies are notorious for getting very upset at any alteration to their environment , especially when breeding and they then proceed to kill each other .
20 Morrissey was still very upset about that incident and wanted to be close to the decision makers .
21 I I mean I found it , you know , I mean very strong from that point of view .
22 The foliage was gathered in the mountains of the Algarve and consists of stems of eucalyptus and sage , the scent of which was very strong in that area , and it mingled deliciously with that of the pine trees just above us .
23 At all events he is very strong in this passage in I Corinthians 3 .
24 ‘ He wo n't be very mobile for some time , ’ she said .
25 I 'm I 'm very grateful for that information sir .
26 I 'm very grateful for that point of information from the honourable lady .
27 I would obviously be very grateful for any sponsorship which my colleagues in the bank can offer .
28 We would be very grateful for any news ( tel : 0254 822241 ) of the whereabouts or fate of the above .
29 I would be very grateful for any information on this fish , which I have seen in other shops as Shark Catfish .
30 Her mother identified it as a wayfaring tree and she 'd been cutting it back during the summer and it did n't seem to mind but she 'd be very grateful for any information about the wayfaring tree which presumably she 'd like to keep and continue to grow in her garden .
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