Example sentences of "any [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] get " in BNC.

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1 He was going to take any opportunity he could to get her off his team , so there was little point in her trying to argue her case with him .
2 If the beetles crawl in any direction they will get to the edge .
3 With any luck we 'll get into pope 's Bottom later on today ’
4 Well , with any luck she 'd get a fair return on her outlay , in deep satisfaction .
5 In the event , Ramsay himself made the most useful contributions to the debate , with the young Steward and Moray backing him , the Regent out of his depth and almost pathetically grateful for any guidance he could get .
6 She had the feeling that at any second he might get up and walk around her , judging her from all angles in much the same manner as one assessed the points of a horse , and she lifted her chin , staring at him coolly .
7 Any cake they could get hold of he advised them to eat .
8 I can walk out or , and get erm , you know tonnes of any any shop I can get pornography that tells me that , or tell any man who chooses to buy that magazine that 's it okay to take a women even if she says no .
9 But I am going to peg away with this novel , and if by any chance it should get published — well , you 're to go shares in the boodle ! ’
10 If there is n't any chance you could get a
11 Vincent , eager to consult Mauve , was hungry for any advice he could get , willing to kneel at the man 's feet if necessary .
12 The United Kingdom is a unitary and not a federal state , thus if central government is really serious about any policy it will get its way ( Griffith , 1965 ) .
13 The problem is locating it , a cat can crawl through any hole it can get its head through .
14 If he had any sense he 'd get himself a good lawyer and keep his mouth shut . ’
15 er any angle they can get , get a grip of .
16 And Sofia , that foolish child , was eager to accept him any way she could get him !
17 Is there any way you can get a day off school to help look for him ?
18 Is there any way I can get my record wiped clean ?
19 Is there any way I can get it going ?
20 Is there any way I can get hold of their addresses ? ’
21 By the way , is there any way I can get the home or away kits of the team ?
22 Being a firm believer in the ‘ start 'em young ’ policy but desperate for any player I can get to fill out the first team , I have completely overhauled the youth squad .
23 Oozing , not bright red , but mixed , it 's mixed bleeding really you 've got from capillary and very often in any injury you 'll get mixed bleeding , but are you going to be too concerned and analyze too carefully whether it 's blood from a vein or blood from an artery if it 's pouring out ?
24 Any time he could get a majority of his colleagues in the House to repeal it I would be delighted .
25 If I was to pop my clogs at work or any time you 'd get fifty five thousand eight hundred eighty pounds .
26 They learn from any material they can get hold of .
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