Example sentences of "any [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All these ornaments any ornaments for Christmas like you know
2 Like the GMC 's recommendations the deans ' suggestion may seem superficially attractive , but it too lacks any semblance of realism about how it might be implemented .
3 ‘ The sex object , ’ quipped Maria , a sweet clenching sensation assailing her loins as she reflected on the helplessness of her response to his torrid lovemaking , resentment rising a second later because she still lacked any semblance of control over their relationship .
4 He added : ‘ At the moment , there is severe doubt about the extent to which auditors owe any responsibility to shareholders at all . ’
5 Only 20 per cent , however , were willing to assume any responsibility for payment of teachers ' salaries .
6 To detect any contamination of samples before breaking the code , negative controls of sterile water were included with the samples in a ratio of one negative control per three samples and treated identically at each stage .
7 THE £116m settlement won by litigating members of the Outhwaite syndicates at Lloyd 's will be paid to the agents of the 817 members and any debts for losses of other syndicates will be deducted before any cash is fowarded to individuals , David Coleridge , chairman of Lloyd 's emphasised yesterday .
8 Win/U reportedly needs only the Windows application 's source code , which is then recompiled and emerges running native on any brand of Unix under Motif .
9 Any scrap of intelligence regarding the approach of the steel , as the railhead is called , was devoured and discussed with keen delight .
10 So far as I know , she never gave a coherent account to anybody of her recollections , and there is no reason why she should have done ; but just as any scrap of information about Shakespeare — from anybody , a servant , amanuensis , ostler , for instance — would be of the greatest interest , so a testimony from one so close as Miss Hinson would have been worth having .
11 You will be advised of any change at time of booking .
12 At all times we have a sense of not being able to achieve any change of direction on how the European Community conducts its affairs .
13 He finds it difficult , some times impossible , to make any change of direction in Government without trying to explain that it is not really a change at all and certainly not a change that Lady Thatcher would not personally have approved .
14 MORE than any change of government since 1945 , Margaret Thatcher 's election victory was taken as marking a decisive shift in the national mood , politically , intellectually , and culturally .
15 Without any apparent break in the text and without any change of tone in my voice I got out some of the things I so badly needed to tell you .
16 How would you conduct a survey to investigate any change of opinion during the experimental period ?
17 I felt grateful to my publishers for their insistence that we guard against any change of mind by my secret collaborators — unlikely as that had seemed in the frigid era of Brezhnev .
18 Many examples are to be found among local families , who probably had little practical alternative to accepting any change of lordship at Middleham .
19 Many examples are to be found among local families , who probably had little practical alternative to accepting any change of lordship at Middleham .
20 This information may help to give an impression of the severity of the child 's difficulties , with respect to the areas of language sampled in the test , and an indication of any change in performance over time .
21 First the Bank of England would usually back up any change in MLR with open market operations in the bond or more likely the bill market .
22 I mean that 's what I thought this movement towards egalitarianism is n't , does n't actually reflect any change in ideology at all .
23 Of any change in control of the business , its organization of management , or persons holding shares in the company which causes a change in the control of the company ( by letter ) .
24 Only 5% have any experience of psychotherapy of psychoanalysis — about the same figure as use acupuncture , homoeopathy or yoga — and they are surprisingly controlled in their use of the most popular psychopharmacological remedy — alcohol .
25 As the pressures mounted , Lenin was forced to admit that ‘ an unskilled labourer or a cook can not immediately get on with the job of state administration ’ and that only a few thousand workers throughout Russia had any experience of work in government .
26 However , companies without any experience of operations in Britain would be well advised to seek professional advice before attempting to carry out work likely to require planning permission .
27 Those who say that certain individuals are ‘ too old ’ to receive high-technology medicine will hotly deny any parallel with discrimination by race or sex .
28 In so doing he may come as near as he can ever hope to an understanding of war as people of the late Middle Ages knew it , no easy task even in the most favourable conditions , but one which can not be attempted with any hope of success without a proper appreciation of the many threads which make up history .
29 League regulations do not permit us to pay any money on behalf of Vinnie , except what is in his contract .
30 The result is that any case of cholera in the pits has an unusually favourable situation in which to spread . "
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