Example sentences of "any [noun] [pron] does not " in BNC.

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1 In any case he does not see students at home . ’
2 While Ismail Belig may have some evidence for this view , evidence which in any case he does not mention , it is worth pointing out that by the time he was writing , the combination of such important posts would have been highly unusual , if not unknown , whereas in the early days of the Ottoman state it was not uncommon .
3 We can not rightly attribute to the Spirit any teaching which does not shed light on Jesus , or any religious experience which is not congruous with the life of Jesus .
4 Any Ethic which does not explicitly profess that it is impossible today contributes to the mystification and alienation of men .
5 If you say ‘ one has an obligation to obey any law which does not violate fundamental human rights ’ you have denied that the law has the authority it claims for itself .
6 From this analysis of the statement of claim it is clear that all the plaintiffs ' claims against the third defendant are based upon allegations of fraud of one kind or another and that no relief is claimed on any basis which does not involve fraud .
7 In those circumstances it does not seem to me right to leave open , whether the court has power to do so I 'm doubtful , but in any event it does not seem to me right to leave open a question of whether there should be some damages to provide for the possibility that er Paul may have to leave school , nor do I think that it is a situation in which any contingency award should be made in respect of that .
8 Hands up any knitter who does not have a lot of cones tucked away for use ‘ sometime ’ .
9 Any feminism which does not also begin with an assumption of one human race , composed of female and male , black , white , yellow , short , tall and so forth , each equally human and not bound by preconceived roles , is not compatible with the Christian faith . ’
10 Any sex which does not allow infected blood , semen or vaginal fluids to be passed from one partner to the other is safer sex .
11 However , the basic concept of collecting and removing filth will not be affected , as any system which does not localise contaminants merely spreads them so think as to make the problem less obvious .
12 His works travel the world , reproduced on postcards , posters and any medium which does not actually detract from the artist 's intention .
13 But woe betide any minister who does not possess a country seat and sets off across the Channel to ‘ abroad ’ .
14 SODI IN PIT Any epithet which does not accurately convey what it intends , such as ‘ Sober as a judge ’ , ‘ Silly nit ’ , ‘ He swims like a fish ’ , ‘ He 's only half-alive ’ , and so on
15 Hence a social contract can ensure stable cooperation only if it reads ‘ I will cooperate ; I will join in punishing any defection ; I will treat any member who does not join in punishing as a defector . ’
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