Example sentences of "look back [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 George looks back to the past and Nick looks forward to the future .
2 Instead John looks back to the creation of the world … and then skips over the millenia to the ministry of John the Baptist and to Jesus , as an adult .
3 The third film , ‘ Waiting with Xavier — Glimpses of the Church in South China ’ , looks back to the arrival of Christianity in China 400 years ago , through St Francis Xavier , and explores the current life of the Catholic Church in Guangdong Province , South China .
4 The third film , ‘ Waiting with Xavier — Glimpses of the Church in South China ’ , looks back to the arrival of Christianity in China 400 years ago , through St Francis Xavier , and explores the current life of the Catholic Church in Guangdong Province , South China .
5 Again , one looks back to the nineteenthcentury origins of English literary studies , when the first pioneers and missionaries , men such as Morley and Furnivall , travelled all over the country to talk about English literature in adult education classes and working men 's clubs .
6 This use of nursery rhyme looks back to The Waste Land with its ‘ London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down ’ and anticipates another explicit nursery rhyme which , in slightly distorted form , opens section V of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
7 Revising the original articles for Notes towards the Definition of Culture , he complicated his argument 's texture by involving more material relevant to his personal history and to the history of his work , such as that mention of Heart of Darkness which looks back to The Waste Land .
8 Located in the centre of Birmingham , it looks back to the city 's rich heritage with its colourful canalside setting ; and forward to a dynamic future through its direct link with the International Convention Centre and renowned Symphony Hall .
9 Ash-Wednesday , for all its renunciation , does at times look towards the childhood of the race , but more strongly it looks back to the poet 's own childhood with which this primitivism is associated , as Eliot looks back , in language mixing ‘ Gerontion ’ , Virgil , and a new interest in his own childhood .
10 COLM MURPHY looks back to the future as Clandeboye 's golfers prepare for an All-Ireland double assault in the national Cup and Shield finals at Woodbrook next weekend .
11 Across the waters , the magnificent Peter and Paul Fortress looks back at the shoreline .
12 In the first of a three part series , Erika Barnes looks back at the life of the plane affectionately known as Fat Albert .
13 Our political correspondent , Fiona Ross looks back at the career of Jo Grimond .
14 Barbara Buhler looks back at the effect of criticism on Georgia O'Keeffe 's art in the 1920s
15 Today , as Patricia , now 17 , sets about rebuilding her life , she looks back on the experience with a mixture of hatred , bitterness , anger and irony .
16 Prudence has three heads , a youth 's which looks towards the future , a mature man 's which looks at the present , and an old man 's which looks back on the past with the wisdom of experience .
17 The video looks back on the occupation of Latin America by Europeans and draws attention to the present situation of the millions of people throughout the continent who are suffering poverty and disease .
18 The more one looks back on the record the more one is impressed by the role of Mrs Thatcher as a dominant figure and as an illustration of the power of the Prime Minister .
19 Grant Simons presents a view of the inside of the North American XB-70 Valkyrie at the USAF Museum and looks back into the type 's turbulent past
20 Although the provision of public housing had been established as a principle in rural areas by 1939 — by itself no mean achievement when one looks back over the history of rural housing — the results of twenty years of legislation were a disappointment .
21 Section 9(4) , which operates at the time of the application for an order under the Act , looks back towards the time in relation to which the witness would give evidence if an order was made and not forward to the time at which he would do so .
22 He said , said you were just standing there and all of a sudden he said you looked at me looked back at the wall just went pee he said it 's all come out , it 's all splattered all over the wall he said , you did your fly up , wiped your mouth , washed your hands and went out again as if nothing had happened .
23 Realising how she was staring at him , Isabel quickly looked back at the fire , leaning sideways a little so that her still-damp hair fell forward , partially shielding her face .
24 The pessimistic thing was , the Hobbesians always looked back to the past , some golden age of order in the past , you know , when , when people knew what to do and er , and er , things were right as it were , and th they tend to want to restore some ideal state of order and authority that existed in the past , which was much better than now , because civilization has gone to the dogs , and been corrupted and so on .
25 Looking back along the road he frowned .
26 When she was most irritated by Caro 's holier-than-thou , most nearly offended by how stupid/insensitive Caro must think her , with her ‘ what a world you live in ’ , and was thinking ‘ How young , how predictable , how limited you are , ’ came the twist in the conversation , the unexpected note , that looking back along the line of the conversation , was the note Caro had been heading for all the time .
27 Looking back to the opening statement of the first article last month , we must remember that in the main we are thinking about these designs as decoration rather than as pure picture-making .
28 The view looking back to the station and 61094 — its departure was at 16.20 .
29 Looking back to the period between the two world wars and even to that of 1939–45 , any newcomer to the scene would have foreseen nothing other than a future of amicable and mutually beneficial co-operation .
30 Cardiff pushed past , and now they were all heading down that corridor past the two elevators on their left ; still looking back to the reception doors lest that monstrous shadow should suddenly reappear .
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