Example sentences of "look as [subord] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Even the drainpipes , clinging half-heartedly to cracked walls and rusty gutters , looked as if they 'd had enough .
2 His jeans looked as if they 'd been slashed with a knife .
3 Though his features looked as if they 'd been carved from stone , in the depths of his gaze something stirred .
4 She was wearing biker leathers and cowboy boots which all looked as if they 'd been applied with the aid of a shoehorn .
5 The Tories looked as if they had run out of steam and needed to rethink their priorities away from the cares of office .
6 The lino on the floor was scuffed and torn , the windows nearly opaque with grime , and the walls looked as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .
7 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
8 Not many yards away , dunes and hillocks looked as if they had been dumped at random , each one rising about sixty feet above the plain .
9 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
10 Some of the people looked as if they had been torn apart by animals with more in the way of teeth and claws than the Good Lord intended for them to have .
11 Anthony 's hard features looked as if they had been carved from stone .
12 Many were dressed in fatigues ; some , with unkempt hair and pot-bellies , looked as if they had started to go to seed long ago .
13 Those stacks looked as if they had been turned out of a tin . ’
14 They hung at the end of slender wrists and looked as if they had been tacked on to the wrong person .
15 The fittings here also looked as if they had been in service for a long time — probably salvaged from a demolition site .
16 The weeds that we 'd uprooted in the morning were shrivelled and brown ; the earth looked as if nothing had ever lived in it .
17 Looked as if someone had pulled out the HT lead , actually . ’
18 He was grim-faced and looked as if he had not slept , but he offered them freshly made coffee and raised a smile for Catherine .
19 Even Gerard , whom she probably suspected the least , looked as if he had something to hide .
20 Weasel Eyes looked as if he had n't moved but the other two hypocrites must have dined well for they were slouched , half-asleep , in their high-backed chairs .
21 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
22 At last the restoration was completed and R5868 looked as if it had just come off the production line , a fine tribute to F/L Peaple and his team .
23 The corpse looked as if it had been attacked by dagger-billed birds .
24 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
25 The house in California — it was in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles , I think — looked as if it had been flung by a giant hand against the side of a hill and had stuck .
26 His face had gone very red and looked as if it had been sprayed with water .
27 The Dome itself , designed by Ralph Tubbs , looked as if it had descended from Mars .
28 The miniature stainless-steel kitchenette looked as if it had never been cooked in .
29 From what Wayne had been able to see of her left eye , it had looked as if it had a couple of drops of blood in it .
30 The gallery itself looked as if it had been carved by some giant sculptor , minute details in the stonework wrought by caring as well as skilful hands .
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