Example sentences of "look at i and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Palmer arrived I did n't tell him I was caddying for Gary , and I do n't know whether he 'd forgotten or what , but when Gary says to me , ‘ OK , Tip , let's go , ’ Arnold looks at me and says , ‘ What are you doing , Tip ? ’
2 ‘ In fact , I would n't even call it a slap , because she does n't cry , she just looks at me and laughs . ’
3 She just lo she always looks at me and laughs .
4 12 She shifts her body and flips her wings to keep balance , then looks at me and makes a new sound , like peeEP ; very sharp .
5 Perry looks at me and looks away , his eyes darting everywhere .
6 When he looks at me and kisses my hand , I go all shivery — would you believe that ! ’
7 But the point is all the old grudges churn round in her mind , and she looks at me and fancies all sorts of things .
8 He had looked at me and seen her .
9 I 've met so many people who 've come up and been introduced and just looked at me and gone , ‘ No , that 's the wrong guy …
10 ‘ You 're looking at me and thinking I 'm not the one to do it , ’ Pie prompted .
11 ‘ No it 's not ’ , said a Scots Nationalist friend one day — very rude to me — ‘ it 's not cosmopolitan , it 's colonial ’ , and he had been looking at me and thinking ‘ here 's one of those damned Englishmen sponging on the Scots , making a good thing out of them ’ .
12 She , Bambi , Nell and the Youngs made their way past me without looking at me and continued on along the corridor beside the kitchen , going to inspect the revised quarters which I knew were in the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's .
13 I 've never even managed to get through a job interview , even if it 's a woman doing the interviewing ; I just have this feeling that she is looking at me and judging me for all the wrong reasons .
14 Cos every time I turn around yeah cos you two always sort of w looking at me and whispering and , you know , m half the time you have been talking about me cos I 've heard you mention my name and it 's not very nice .
15 It was like people were looking at me and guessing my age and looking to see if I had a ring on my finger .
16 ‘ Naw , ’ she said , looking at me and shaking her head .
17 I often notice him looking at me and paying me rather a lot of compliments .
18 ‘ I asked him what his impression was of the University and I remember him looking at me and saying : ‘ Very friendly , very prosperous and doing very well ’ .
19 And he was gone , we did n't even answer , and Caroline was looking after him , and shrugging and looking at me and saying , well , really .
20 they just look at me and say oh you know she has n't lost any weight from the last one
21 He can make you believe you are the only woman on earth for him , and only a Frenchman out of all the men in the world could look at me and tell me to my face that I am beautiful .
22 I made him look at me and see how pale I am .
23 Oh sir , do you look at me and say you see someone who has been doing the ill-treating ? ’
24 People would look at me and think , ‘ No , she 's not the type , she would never try to top herself ’ , but I tried to do it when I was in Cookham Wood .
25 People can look at me and talk to me .
26 Would you guys like to look at me and ask a answer a question .
27 I stole a quick sidelong glance , and saw him turn his head at the same instant to look at me and give a faint smile .
28 Cal looked at me and grinned .
29 He looked at me and grinned and shook his head .
30 He looked at me and chewed his bottom lip as if searching for a remnant of breakfast .
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