Example sentences of "look too [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 But it feels strange : when you look at it in the bowl , it looks too runny to be fun , but when you touch it , it 's the squelchiest , stickiest sensation ; it turns to spaghetti when you let it drip through your fingers and it 's stodgy enough to make into patterns , swirling in different colours and practising making faces , people , letters and numbers .
2 As some girls suddenly look too tall to be ballet dancers , she became too large for her father 's devotion , for Haverford always preferred smallish women with what he had once described in one of his more personal ‘ Jottings ’ as the ‘ tip-tilted noses of impertinent page-boys ’ .
3 Its villages look too good to be true .
4 They all looked too tired to be bothered with any joking .
5 They 'd been builder-restored as a unit , and they looked too picturesque to be true .
6 She looked too young to be a mother .
7 ‘ She looked too small to be the Queen , ’ said Mr Fagan , so he drew back the curtains to get a better look .
8 It was red and looked too small to be a lorry but never the less it had wheels like the carts in the village .
9 Commander Whitehead , a jovial , dashing , red-bearded figure with a Homburg and a briefcase , cheerfully splashing tonic water about on convivial occasions , looked too good to be true .
10 He was older , pale-skinned and looked too thin to be a welterweight , but the right cross that had put his younger opponent down had belied his looks .
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