Example sentences of "look as if [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 It looks as if they 've been washed .
2 Whenever you visit their place unexpectedly it looks as if they 've spent every waking moment cleaning and polishing .
3 Looks as if they 've cleared it all up , he 's looking all around .
4 Yeah , it looks as if they 've just been sort of put in in a heap
5 Er , well , the extra costs was two million a year er , and at the end of the first six months in the first year we 'd , we 'd , we 'd achieved a million extra revenue , so it looks as if we 've paid for it .
6 ‘ It looks as if we 've got you for resisting arrest as well , ’ he told her grimly .
7 It looks as if you 've done a very good turn to me and to a lot of other people this afternoon .
8 She smiled and straightened as Greg approached and said : ‘ It looks as if you 've cheered him up . ’
9 It looks as if you 've got a spare as well down there .
10 Looks as if you 've wee 'd yourself !
11 It looks as if I 've got no hands . ’
12 ‘ But it looks as if I 've been lucky and escaped the worst of it .
13 ‘ It looks as if I 've wasted your time . ’
14 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
15 It always looks as if I 've gone along with a sort of scalpel at the bottom of the letters as well , a sort of shaved off
16 When they turn up at the office next day looking as if they 've missed out on their sleep , however , they could get more than teasing comments from their colleagues .
17 Yet you 're looking as if you 've lost a bit off your back .
18 ‘ Damn it , stop looking as if I 've just hit you again !
19 Well do do n't look as if they 've been used does it ?
20 " It does n't look as if we 've any choice , Mr Montgomery , " they young woman grinned .
21 How can I face people when I must look as if I 've just gone ten rounds with an all-in wrestler ? ’
22 And then it 'll look as if I 've hardly been .
23 That way it will look as if you 've been asking around about me . ’
24 At last , a jazz influenced band who do n't try to look as if they 've just stepped out of the pages of Kerouac .
25 I 'm trying hard to look as if I 've got decorum .
26 ‘ They sometimes look as if they 've fallen off the back of a lorry . ’
27 Most of the flowerbeds that look as if they 've been there forever were in fact made after Peter 's death .
28 The graphics look as if they 've been ported directly across from a Spectrum .
29 He and Jake always look as if they 've got one skin less than other people , Ruth thought .
30 you know , sometimes people , sort of , look as if they 've just got out of bed !
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