Example sentences of "look [adv prt] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be eaten — she had not the faintest illusion of that — but it would be looked on and smiled over and would bring back happy memories and it was all she could think of to signify her reborn affection .
2 Megan looks up but does not move .
3 If the prey looks up and stares straight at the lion or tiger , the big cat looks sheepishly away as if suddenly indifferent to the whole business of predation .
4 He looks out and comes back quickly .
5 As well as looking up and looking in , the leader needs to look out .
6 Looking up and looking down .
7 They were photographic enlargements , head-and-shoulders portraits , all of the same girl , photographed in profile ; looking up and looking down , and seen from the right and from the left .
8 Looking back and sorting out are essential if we are not to experience the pantomime dame 's discomfort .
9 ‘ It is a trick of memory , looking back and thinking maybe things were n't that bad , but of course , if you concentrate , you realize they were .
10 Other parts of the book deal with the last things on a global scale , both looking back and looking forward .
11 Hennessy was looking around and trying not to seem too pleased with himself .
12 I might start looking round and thinking more about the educational side .
13 It is more difficult for man to look up than to look down .
14 because if anybody 's got a query , well like well when was it paid somebody 's gon na have to look up and scroll back and
15 shut up , no sit down look up and shut up .
16 The students who have been writing everything down now look up and smile wryly at Robyn Penrose , like victims of a successful hoax .
17 It 's funny to look back and think how much my mum enjoyed having the ducks around — she encouraged them as much as I did .
18 It is good psychologically to look back and see just how much you have improved both in terms of strength and physique .
19 It seems extraordinary now to look back and remember how we improvised as we did during the war .
20 ‘ We can all look back and remember how Amstrad took hi-fi to the mass market , how it removed the mystique from the computer and exploded the market . ’
21 But like every artist , one can always look back and see where things could have been improved .
22 But I often look back and think well if was the girls who insisted that it 's time mum had a proper automatic washing machine
23 In the Science books , children are encouraged to look around and observe how things work .
24 From my present perspective twenty years on ( whether grown up or not ) , it is interesting to look around and see how far the same comment would be appropriate today .
25 The curious thing about industry is that if we think for ten minutes and draw a picture of the kind of organization we would least like to work in , and hence the one where we are least likely to be effective , we often look about and see just such an environment around us .
26 Dot looked down and saw only the tussocky grass and a flat square stone .
27 Simon looked down and laughed out loud .
28 She had admonished him before they left the hotel to drink no more than one glass , and his brother , Chuck , who was sipping his own wine confidently without the restraint of any such embargo , looked down and laughed good-naturedly at his indecision .
29 At the end , he looked down and called out to Lucie , ‘ You there !
30 He looked over and winked back .
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