Example sentences of "look [subord] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Jack is not bothered what the tree looks like because it is not good enough to eat .
2 Now party influence looks as though it is again on the wane .
3 But despite the fact that at first sight the novel looks as though it is going to offer a fairly conventional , though well-written account of an actual incident , this is not a book from which to learn about Russian history .
4 Sending a typed letter , or at least one that looks as though it is typed , so it looks personalised .
5 When at rest during the daytime , the animal looks as though it is wrapped in a camouflaged fur blanket that matches the bark of the branch to which it clings , head uppermost .
6 The whole creature , as a result , looks as though it is divided into segments , but in fact these separate living packets of eggs are quite different from the permanent internal compartments of a truly segmented creature like an earthworm .
7 When the light is distorted in this way , the star looks as though it is in the wrong position in the sky .
8 But th , the thing is that it looks as though it is going to be a fairly ongoing thing that 's going to it may be well on certainly er a beyond assembly when we have to come to a conclusion , and therefore we ought to know the picture er , of , within reform churches far more clearly in giving more time .
9 It looks as though it 's going too fast even when it 's standing still ! ’
10 ‘ It looks as though it 's on the ground to me ! ’
11 It would appear that Child Poverty Action Group director Fran Bennett 's fear that ‘ it looks as though it 's a two-pronged attack .
12 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
13 So that that looks as though it 's going well .
14 " It looks as though it 's over wi' awd Blossom , then , " he said , and rested his hand briefly on the old cow 's back It was an enormous , work-swollen hand .
15 Cos that , that actually looks as though it 's the half way part of the bar too does n't it ?
16 So Fay it looks as though it 's down to you .
17 These may need to be debated as they were before compromises may need to be rich , but I 'm afraid it looks as though it 's gon na be a compromise only between two parties , but this is n't a .
18 It looks as though it 's all down to the charm factor in Darlington
19 The effort already looks as though it 's working .
20 No looks as though it 's well no it could be seeple
21 Certainly looks as though it 's a Rosemary Conley type thing .
22 Oh that one really looks as though it 's
23 And , I nearly got up to Beachfield cos Carole said ooh it looks as though it 's going down Hampton !
24 the other darts looks as though it 's missing oh no
25 That so it looks as though it 's going away .
26 on the basis of a hundred per hundred thousand square feet to which you 'd have to add obviously a sort of surrounding area from the square footage used for a distribution warehouse , it looks as though it 's around about the thirteen
27 Erm his , his cold looks as though it 's settling in his eyes
28 Looks as though it 's gon na rain .
29 It 's looking as though it 's a bit dead that .
30 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
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