Example sentences of "look [prep] him [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Dierdriu said , ‘ Yes , she is a Princess of Ireland , ’ and looked at him and waited .
2 He said : ‘ Police surgeons have looked at him and said it 's safe to detain him in a police cell . ’
3 ‘ They went out looking for him and reported him missing to the police at 3.30am .
4 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
5 He said , ‘ Letchely na , letchely na , ’ and she turned her beautiful head to look at him and lowed gently .
6 Ronni tried not to look at him and squeezed the water from her hair .
7 Strawberry came through the hedge by the crabapple tree , looked about him and made his way to Hazel .
8 Li Yuan looked about him and nodded .
9 Wycliffe looked about him and approved , especially of the walls which , in some past time , had been stencilled with designs that were mildly but cheerfully crazy so that to look at them for long made the eyes go funny .
10 I looked for him but did not find him .
11 She looked after him and said , in a low voice , ‘ I wish I could tell you what it was like in the desert .
12 I looked past him and saw the old motor bike , which he parked in our front garden .
13 The woman looked past him and caught sight of Theda .
14 They looked upon him and gave no sign .
15 She looked at him but made no reply ; then she went out escorted , one on each side , by the two men , and neither of them spoke to her nor exchanged a word with each other until they were crossing the main road , when seemingly out of nowhere stepped a policeman , and they all came to a halt .
16 They looked at him but did not answer at once .
17 Robyn looked at him and mustered a determined defiance .
18 He made birdie to open up a four-shot lead I looked at him and winked .
19 And then she heard the words that surprised and startled , confused her , so that the green eyes that flashed and sparked with anger softened and melted as she looked at him and heard each gently spoken syllable .
20 She looked at him and felt his pain , but he had shut her out again .
21 As each new number came up Bob looked at him and asked , ‘ This one ? ’
22 She looked at him and began to smile .
23 Robyn looked at him and flirted with the idea of telling him where to get off .
24 But , as she looked at him and witnessed that he was white with temper , so ‘ furious ’ seemed to be too mild a word .
25 Carrie looked at him and waited .
26 Dierdriu said , ‘ You know the ancient curse laid on Tara at the beginning of her history ? ’ and looked at him and waited , and Fergus said , half to himself , ‘ If Tara should ever belong to a pure-bred Human , then it will fall into ruin , and the Bright Palace will be no more … ’ ’ ‘ ‘ … and all Ireland will seethe with evil , and the skies will darken , and the rivers will run with blood . ’
27 She saw his gaze fall to her mouth and she looked at him and waited , wanting him to kiss her , hardly daring to move in case the moment , the spell should be broken .
28 I looked at him and wished I could be so unconcerned .
29 Instead of subsiding now that he was no longer touching her , the disturbance he had caused deepened as she looked at him and understood that the warning was a personal one , merely dressed up as professional advice .
30 Carrie looked at him and saw his mouth turning down at the corners .
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