Example sentences of "look [adv] more [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 M103 is in the same × 20 field with Delta , but is not at all easy to identify , and looks rather more like a chance aggregation of stars .
2 This manoeuvre looks rather more like a tail-spin .
3 He gestured towards the door , where Hilary Frome was standing , flaunting his fair hair and profile , and looking still more like an illustration of one of Baden Powell 's scouting manuals ; a fine specimen of British boyhood , who in only a matter of a year or two might be imagined assuming the burden of Empire , and administering imperial justice with rod and gun to one or other of the lesser breeds without the law .
4 He slipped the picture back into the file and closed it , looking once more at the name on the cover :
5 Next minute Miss Lodsworth 's head appeared over the half-door , looking even more like a horse than Wayne .
6 And then , just when she felt compelled to look once more into the strong , handsome face , the moment was gone and the Jaguar purred into life and she heard the angry rev of the engine as he thrust the car into gear and roared away .
7 Hazel looked once more at the faint line of the hills .
8 I grinned contemptuously at his retreating back , looked once more at the stable , saw an eyeball glistening on the wet straw and promptly vomited myself .
9 ‘ The embalmers did their best to dress the corpse : before the coffin was lowered , I looked once more at the face .
10 When he had finished piling the boxes up , Charles looked once more round the room and his eyes lighted on the very thing he needed at that moment — a torch .
11 He turned round , then turned back , looked once more round the room , then shook his head quickly and went to the door , taking his stick from the corner by the washing machine on his way out .
12 To Lizzie she looked once more like the young girl who had found herself pregnant and did n't want to marry .
13 Nearly all its remaining MPs were from the coalfields and it looked once more like the Labour Representation Committee of the pre-war period .
14 He looked increasingly more like a confused and inadequate witness than a killer .
15 The farmhouse by day looked even more like a fortress .
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