Example sentences of "look [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 His mother could not be traced , but the tiny corpse was recognised by a lady who had looked after him for some time , before she , as many others , had done before her , had innocently replied to Mrs Dyer 's advertisement , disguised by the nom de plume Mrs Thomas .
2 The girl who is almost as silent as me and looks at me with such horror .
3 She do n't say nothing to me , she just looks at me with these big eyes .
4 Flattered when he had looked at her in that particular way which was both critical and yet admiring at the same time ?
5 ‘ Unless Flixe needs me , ’ he said , looking at his wife with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration that made Julia think back to her own honeymoon and wonder whether Anthony had ever looked at her like that .
6 Why had he looked at her like that ?
7 No man had ever looked at her like that in her life , and his eyes left her in no uncertain terms as to what he was thinking .
8 Nobody has ever looked at me like that .
9 Looked at me like that .
10 She had laughed , looked at him with some of her usual mischief on her face , erasing for a moment the memory of what had so recently passed .
11 No well I would n't have looked at them from that , from the point of view of
12 When you have worked through the sensations , looked at them from all angles and asked yourself why they have entered your life and what is to be gained from them , it is important to be able to let them go .
13 I 've looked at it on both sides , from different angles and colour is something to do with it .
14 He had not really looked at it like that before .
15 ‘ I had n't looked at it like that .
16 Oh yeah , I 've never looked at it like that before , yeah , ah , ah
17 Suppose that my friend was not looking for me at all .
18 They might not know him by sight , or might not be looking for him at all .
19 Keep condoms handy , so you do n't have to go tearing around looking for them at that crucial moment .
20 We 've been looking for you for some months .
21 Not looking for you at all .
22 Penelope had taken note of the two quite personable looking men who had just come into the hall ! and were standing looking about them with some bewilderment , as if uncertain what they ought to do .
23 Then I 'd be looking after you for both products and what I want to do is have a look at all the standard bearings you take to see if there is potential for a supply .
24 Looking at them in this light it is natural to turn to that Elizabethan model for letter-writing , Angel Day 's The English Secretorie ( 1586 ) .
25 During his second premiership he noticed during a train journey that another occupant of the compartment was looking at him with some puzzlement .
26 He glanced up at her face again , and discovered that she was looking at him with some interest , and it struck him that until now starvation had held her attention to the exclusion of all else .
27 He could afford to study her , for she was not looking at him with any but surface attention .
28 But , standing in her bathroom , with her looking at him with those lovely blue eyes , her whole soul looking him in the face , her integrity undeniable , he knew the truth .
29 From then on , I took more interest in him , looking at him as more than just my employer .
30 What are you looking at him like that for ?
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