Example sentences of "should n't [be] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But to be honest I should n't be eating that sort of thing anyway , so
2 Some people feel it 's not an appropriate use of the cash , that Gay and Lesbian art should n't be given such a high profile .
3 The A N C has reacted calmly to the charges ; it said Mrs Mandela should n't be given any special treatment , but western diplomatic sources in Johannesburg said earlier today , ‘ the trial will place strain on the negotiation process ’ .
4 All the reasons why she should n't be allowing this faded into insignificance .
5 That sounded dull and unexciting , she reflected , feeling guilty and telling herself she should n't be thinking such things .
6 There is no reason why , why the teacher and the pupil should n't be discussing this bit of it !
7 Seagal used to be a martial arts expert , so at least the stunts are worth watching , even if the principals are n't ( Seagal looks like Chuck Norris on Mogadon and LeBrock really should n't be wearing such a tight skirt ) .
8 Because i in , in theory presumably they s they should n't have been abusing their position , they should n't be gaining more because the whole point was to do it for the masses particularly , I mean if you were a Party cadre erm you should n't be getting more out of it than anybody else .
9 They should n't be worn all day long because they do n't provide the support young feet need .
10 they should n't be taking this r wage r this wage increase .
11 ‘ It should n't be making that . ’
12 Oh goodness , you should n't be carrying that , let me help you .
13 God love her , she should n't be wearin' those on her weddin' day … ’
14 We should n't be imposing these ridiculous academic exercises on these children , said the progressive in me .
15 It 's an admission that a 42-year-old who throws himself around manically shouting , ’ Go on kid , give it some of that ’ should n't be taken that seriously .
16 A well-brought-up young lady and a virgin to boot should n't be having such thoughts .
17 I think we should n't be having this kind of debate about public services .
18 When I went to the antenatal clinic for my very first check-up , this elderly doctor burst through the door , looked at me and said , " You should n't be having this baby , you should be giving it away to somebody less fortunate . "
19 Yes yes and this one is n't as bad , but I should n't be having this one at all !
20 So you should n't be having any problem with those anyway .
21 She whispered : she should n't be doing that .
22 them before you think about you should n't be doing that .
23 erm We park appallingly carelessly , some of us do it intentionally very often , some of us do it innocently or probably ignorantly , and perhaps to be fined on the spot would be a way of saving an awful lot of paperwork , an awful lot of time , and perhaps reminding people that they should n't be doing these things although I 'm always slightly worried , this is in a sense another problem , I 'm slightly worried by , by the inequity that six pounds or whatever it is will mean a lot to one person and hardly anything at all to another , and you do see some cars mis-parking again and again , and I 'm not sure that erm the instant penalty would make much difference there .
24 You should n't be doing this at all .
25 ‘ You should n't be doing this . ’
26 We should n't be doing this !
27 ‘ I should n't be doing this ! ’
28 ‘ We should n't be doing this , ’ he said .
29 I should n't be doing this .
30 ‘ I should n't be doing this , ’ Dougal said .
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