Example sentences of "should be [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand we have Prince Charles and Lady Di encouraging us to do voluntary work , telling us how noble it is and on the other hand we are told it might actually go against us because it takes up our valuable time when we should be looking for work .
2 The rule that cases should be prepared for trial by someone other than the advocate presenting them in court should not apply to solicitors , the committee said .
3 A leaflet to explain the working of the system should be prepared for distribution to all recruits .
4 Thus , where a husband leaves the matrimonial home while still owning it , the usual capital gains tax exemption or relief for a taxpayer 's only or main residence would be given on the subsequent transfer to the wife , provided she has continued to live in the house and the husband has not elected that some other house should be treated for capital gains tax purposes as his main residence for this period .
5 However , the position is open to doubt where the husband has not elected that some other house should be treated for capital gains tax purposes as his main residence for the period .
6 Is it seriously suggested that the entire elderly population should be regularly screened , that a clear majority should be followed up monthly for six months , and that half should be treated for life on the basis of even the most optimistic interpretation of the trial data ?
7 The new rules also said that official permission should be sought for travel outside the capital .
8 Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result .
9 16–2–1910 The Moderator again asked that application should be made for leave to call a colleague and successor .
10 Standardisation needs to take place at another level as well ; this time amongst computer-using historians who are willing to attempt collective decisions about what information should be encoded in a machine-readable document and about how encoding decisions should be recorded for posterity and secondary analyses .
11 But if they impose such a diet on their pet cats , they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals .
12 It has been argued by some cat experts that any vet performing this convenience operation should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals , but this is unfair to them .
13 Yidana had reported the results of his investigation to a Special Investigations Board , which concluded that 10 people should be prosecuted for murder , including the head of National Security .
14 Having examined the parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , it was held that the parliamentary intention was that in-house benefits should be assessed for income tax on the basis of marginal costs to the employer and not as a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; that this effect applied to the education of the children of teachers who were employees ; and that section 63 of the 1976 Act should be construed accordingly .
15 The joint working party 's paper correctly highlights the problem that one possible reason for non-response to hepatitis B vaccines is a pre-existing hepatitis B carrier status and suggests that non-responders should be tested for hepatitis B e antigen to identify infectious carriers and advise them against carrying out invasive procedures .
16 For exposures from an HBsAg positive source to previously vaccinated employees , the exposed employee should be tested for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen and given one dose of vaccine and one dose of HBIG if the antibody level in the employee 's blood sample is inadequate ( i.e. <10 SRU by RIA , negative by EIA ) .
17 BOXERS contesting world title bouts should be tested for AIDS , the WBC ruled yesterday .
18 Setting out from Alfoxden at half-past four , Coleridge and the Wordsworths followed the Great Track over the Quantock Hills , and as they marched westward through a ‘ dark and cloudy ’ evening , agreed that a poem should be written for publication to cover the expenses of their journey .
19 When it was reported that a considerable number of young children in the house were not eating their breakfast , which consisted of porridge and bread , he recommended that , for children under sixteen , the same diet should be given for breakfast as for supper .
20 The wording provides a wide comprehensive cover and unless the claim presented is ruled out by one of the Policy Exceptions ( discussed below ) or is not due to an external accident or fortuity then every consideration should be given for settlement of the claim .
21 The wording provides a wide comprehensive cover and unless the claim presented is ruled out by one of the Policy Exceptions ( discussed below ) or is not due to an external accident or fortuity then every consideration should be given for settlement of the claim .
22 What is less agreed upon is whether the reward should be given for routine adequacy or for extra special effort .
23 This allows you to make a more considered approach than a telephone call and to use the job matching list you have drawn up to bring to the employer 's attention the reasons why you are suitable for the job and why you should be seen for interview .
24 I 'd like to propose that the writer of this letter when known should be barred for life from the Club . ’
25 Where this situation is a remote but real possibility escape or rescue sets should be stored for emergency use .
26 Contemporary archivists and historians may not be the best prepared to select which records should be stored for posterity .
27 Only the salient features of design can be indicated in this article , and the F.O.C. 29th Edition of the Rules should be consulted for detail and to encompass the latest amendments .
28 The rules themselves should be consulted for detail . ]
29 Zeigler et al. ( 1983 ) should be consulted for material relating to evacuation behaviour in the wake of the incident at Three Mile Island .
30 An area should be designated for storage of coats , briefcases , literature , materials , etc. , to avoid clutter and distractions from the main aim of the exhibition .
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