Example sentences of "should never be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This test should never be applied to silk rugs , as creasing can damage the fibres .
2 Mathematics is not just about developing facility for number : it is essentially a subject which has links with all other curriculum areas and should never be taught in isolation .
3 As a rule , a striped tie should never be worn with a striped shirt , although Paul Smith frequently breaks that one with gusto .
4 Nevertheless , the training is sometimes unavoidably accompanied by the infliction of punishment in some form or other , but as is very well-known , this should never be done as a result of a fit of anger .
5 Even in the nuclear family , women told me that certain jobs should never be done by a man , they were not Izzat wali kam ( i.e. jobs of honour ) or they were not manly , and predictably these tasks included almost all household chores .
6 This should never be done in one go , especially with a new aquarium , but in four or five stages allowing at least half an hour settling time after each stage .
7 Not only should cycling shorts only be seen on people over six feet tall with perfect bodies , they should never be seen on Ben Lawers in October .
8 ‘ Small people should never be seen by anybody .
9 The conclusions drawn are that perforations should be shot with the biggest charges possible , large negative pressure differentials , and that there needs to be a high shot density ; also that the mud weight over-balance — that is , the degree of pressure maintained above the reservoir 's natural pressure — during drilling should be as low as possible ; and that losses of fluids and solids to the productive reservoirs should never be accepted as a matter of course .
10 Waterlilies should never be positioned near waterfalls or fountains as they prefer fairly static water .
11 They can be distinguished logically , as we are doing here , but they should never be separated in practice .
12 Points should never be worshipped to excess , and the unflagging zeal of bibliographical mudlarkers prodding for new ones should be mistrusted or at least treated with caution .
13 But somebody has been sent to prison , they are the sort of person who you would think of , should never be sent to prison , somebody who has diddled his firm out of a couple of thousand .
14 Amidst all that confusion , I think it is important that the procedures used in this parliamentary review should never be deployed as a precedent for future boundary revision , for either Strasbourg or Westminster .
15 Tap proportioners should never be fitted to taps used to supply drinking or cooking water .
16 Les 's philosophy is that house building should never be undertaken in a hurry .
17 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
18 For the Right Rev. Richard Harries , Bishop of Oxford ( above ) , the Church of England is not a business and should never be treated as such .
19 Adoption should never be suggested as the next option after treatment failure , it should be stressed that it involves a different type of parenting to biological parenthood , and adoptive parents should be advised to contact an organisation such as Parent to Parent Information on Adoption or British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) for information .
20 They would also assume the validity of the religious starting-point , and while acknowledging that faith should never be forced onto people — that freedom is essential for real religious awareness to develop — they are nevertheless sure that they are right and that no teacher will be misleading the young if they teach religion straight .
21 Mains-voltage cable should not be run on the surface of the ground and should never be attached to fences — as these can be easily blown down .
22 But , he said , they should never be seduced into thinking their policies had been so effective that there was no risk of relapse .
23 Whatever type of camera you use , for hand-held wildlife shots the camera speed should never be set at less than unc second .
24 Bags should never be compressed for storage .
25 Small items of both financial and sentimental value should never be left in the house unless a good safe has been installed .
26 These actually come down to common sense , but it still needs to be stressed that the successful study of coinage , as any other historical discipline , should be based on as full a collection of the evidence as possible as well as an awareness that this evidence should never be taken at face value .
27 Good health should never be taken for granted — so taking out the NatWest Hospital Income Plan is a responsible decision which gives your family valuable financial support when they really need it .
28 This is the point of view of one novice who discovered that diving offers much more than a free lunch , but should never be taken without tissues .
29 These jokes should never be told to your friends at Hallowe'en , on a dark and stormy night gathered round a roaring log effect electric heater , or at any other time for that matter .
30 Elderly people should never be persuaded against their will to move out of their own home , unless their mental or physical health or living conditions are so deplorable that they are a danger to their own or other people 's safety .
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