Example sentences of "should [verb] [adj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each time you say the sound ‘ p ’ , you should make such a little explosion of breath that the bits of paper fly off .
2 But Rick Christie , a golf professional in Tampa , Florida , and a friend of Levi 's , said not too long ago that he should win half a dozen tournaments with his consistent swing .
3 They must be mad that they should expect such a delicate business as his preparation of Vologsky to be speeded up as though it was a crude operation on a factory bench .
4 ‘ How very flattering , my dear Shiona , that you should keep such a careful check on my movements . ’
5 ‘ It is a great shame that we should provide such a superb facility and then see it treated like that . ’
6 It is sad that such talent and thought should create such a nightmarish and harrowing depiction of mental handicap , which left viewers saddened and stunned by what they saw , and may have put back for years the progress towards a real understanding of mental handicap among the general public .
7 It 's astonishing to me that a boy whose father and grandfather have both been soldiers before him should have such a poorly developed sense of loyalty arid duty . "
8 He had piercing blue eyes , hooded eyelids , a tanned , hard-boned face and a mouth so firm and uncompromising that Rachel felt a quiver go through her , a prickling of intense attraction , then , as her eyes flicked to Jenny , a sudden rush of envy that Jenny should have such a superb secret lover .
9 She guessed he was probably still staring after her , but she did n't care then about anything but the fact that he should have such a low opinion of her .
10 This is precisely what he had been attempting in " The Dry Salvages " , for example , and it is significant that he used much the same phrase in his demand that contemporary poetry should have such a strong relationship to current speech that " the listener or reader can say " that is how I should talk if I could talk poetry " .
11 It is a tribute to the makers of The Krays , to its director and cast , that it should have such a profound effect .
12 There seems to have been very little resentment that Eva should have such a unique opportunity .
13 Commenting on our current series on education , he said ‘ I think that the series is an excellent idea ’ , but he then went on to say ‘ It does seem to me rather odd that such a series should have such a heavy university representation and so little input from the teachers ’ .
14 A lady like you should appreciate such a gentlemanly gesture . ’
15 Moreover , there seems to be no reason why economic competition should take such a dichotomous form , with a clear separation between the low-cost producers and the differentiators .
16 Editor , — We are concerned that Robin Russell Jones should hold such a poor view of general practitioners ' accuracy in making dermatological diagnoses and is so opposed to community clinics .
17 It had never been intended that the flimsy structure should support such a weighty assembly , so with a creaking and a cracking and much shouting and swearing down it went in a flurry of legs and arms and broken planks and red Australian dust .
18 What could be wrong with him , that his friend 's bowing should irritate him so , that Tommaso 's frank fond greeting of his mother should seem to him so casually proprietary , that his instant engagement in argument with his father , as he drank down the dash of grenadine cordial he was offered before they began eating , should strike such a false note ?
19 ‘ You think we should lie low a few days , hey ? ’
20 Surely an ex-tech should tote such a fine tool !
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