Example sentences of "may have been the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A further explanation could be that rats have a small ductular component of bile secretion which may have been the primary target of the observed response , as evidenced by the increase in biliary bicarbonate output observed in the canine studies .
2 Nevertheless it tasted excellent , or it may have been the dry French cider from my waterbottle that improved the taste .
3 The press release the editors sent me was acceptable , but I may have been the only person to get it .
4 With the constructors number 501 , it may have been the only aircraft built .
5 That style may have been the only way round a corner in the days of slippy tyres , dodgy suspension and flexible chassis but modern GP machines permit a faster , more aggressive route through the turn .
6 The division may have been the only way that Chlothild was able to ensure that part of Clovis 's realm passed to her offspring .
7 Malcolm Scott may have been the only footballer/cricketer at Feethams , but MI lists nine more who played against the Quakers .
8 Left hemisphere control of sequential motor activity which lent itself readily to a symbolic gestural system may have been the evolutionary precursor to present day lateralisation of language .
9 Although , as we shall see , many varied and lengthy accounts of what may have been the distinguishing characteristics of the fabliaux have been produced , the short definition given by Bédier in 1893 still attracts support : the fabliaux , he declared , are " " contes à rire en vers " " .
10 I mean , that may have been the right impression , and I do n't want to force you to say more than you want to , or really anything , but I 'd like to know if you still want to write to me , possibly just about books , or if you wanted to —
11 The Tropicana experience began for me as soon as I arrived … it may have been the small hours yet the reception staff were still delighted to greet the new arrivals .
12 This may in fact may have been the prime interest of most of those gathered at Enham , who seem to have been attending something very like a French peace meeting .
13 And certainly n the case of Holland 's subsequent defeat by Switzerland , that may have been the crucial factor .
14 ‘ Spinal Tap ’ may have been the ultimate send up of the genre but ‘ Spinal Tap ’ is most metal fans ' favourite film .
15 This may have been the simple truth ; it may , alternatively , have been an instance of the use of delay by an intelligent but reluctant pleader .
16 there may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust but not a lot more .
17 So , as the internal JCS ( Joint Chiefs of Staff ) history suggests , the decision to help France combat the Vietminh may have been the logical outgrowth of a reassessment of US interests in Asia as a whole ; and yet the particular origins of the US aid programme suggest something less systematic .
18 The grandson of today may have been the beloved teacher of centuries ago .
19 A prime motive in the purchase of the Grand Union by the Grand Junction in 1894 may have been the improved water supply for the main system which it represented .
20 Whilst the major focus in their campaigns may have been the declining centrality of the Church , the other major reformist concern is explicitly with the family and , by implication at least , with women and youth .
21 Or it may have been the sweet tyranny of his mother 's childhood rules , never quite outgrown , which he tried to recreate in his rigid adult life .
22 They may have been the gigantic reptilian analogue of the elephant , and it may be no coincidence that the elephant also has its nasal openings on top of the skull , with the nostrils in this case sited at the end of the trunk it has been suggested that some sauropods may have had a proboscis of some sort .
23 It may have been the Anglian advance towards Stirling which tempted Domnall Brecc , grandson of Áedán , son of Gabrán , and king of Scottish Dál Riata , to attack the Strathclyde Britons in 642 ( AU s.a. 641 : AT p.186 : CA p.144 ) .
24 Aesthetic appearance , rarity and durability may have been the physical attributes which led particular substances to be categorized as precious , but it was the fact of being recognized as such which made them effective as symbols .
25 Now of course at this point , with many singers , one would have to change key , go into the minor , and report that , though this may have been the vocal prime , interpretative maturity still lay in the future , and that for artistic satisfaction one would have to turn to the well-known recordings of later years .
26 One reason for this may have been the conventional wisdom that secularisation had made the subject well nigh irrelevant , another reason may have been that there are few areas in which the methodological problems are as acute as they are in the investigation of people 's beliefs and/or the assessment of the effect that these have upon the rest of society .
27 ‘ We suspect another man who works in that area may have been the intended target but the UFF got the location wrong .
28 Such may have been the common view , but it was not shared by the Plantagenets themselves .
29 Whatever may have been the original rationale of this form of liability , it was certainly not the same as that of scienter , for agricultural animals present no peculiar risk .
30 Mellor 's office in life may have been the big attraction , but it also got in the way of a good time .
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