Example sentences of "may not be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter , we will take a brief look at the variety of grammatical categories which may or may not be expressed in different languages and the way this area of language structure affects decisions in the course of translation .
2 All animals must compete for limited resources , but the competition may not be expressed in unrestrained battle to the death .
3 Non-financial ratios indicate the relationship between quantifiable pieces of information , and may or may not be expressed in percentages .
4 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
5 The obese diabetic ( Ideal body weight > 120 per cent : Metropolitan Life Insurance Company , 1959 ) must be encouraged to lose weight as this has been found to have a blood-pressure-lowering effect which may or may not be related to concomitant reduction of dietary sodium ( Reisin et al , 1978 ; Tuck et al , 1981 ; Fagerberg et al , 1984 ) .
6 Measurement and subsequent payment for work executed may take place at weekly , monthly , or at random intervals and therefore may not be related to the date of the main contract valuation or the builder 's costing periods .
7 In all four clustered contractions were reported , which may or may not be related to swallowing , which may be peristaltic in nature , or which develop simultaneously at different levels of the oesophagus .
8 Anger against the person who has died can be experienced as dangerous and may not be tolerated by the bereaved , so other outlets for our anger and sense of loss have to be found .
9 Like the Israelite prophets , they may not be honoured in their own country but they are recognized as belonging .
10 The energy of the falling grains may not be absorbed in rebounding or in starting saltation by impact , but may be used in disturbing a number of grains , which are driven forward for a short distance on the surface .
11 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
12 There are dangers in over emphasising a particular set of test scores in that the results may not be replicated in future years and all sorts of qualifiers will need to be introduced .
13 This may or may not be joined with the rhythmic designs described in the previous section .
14 It is also stipulated in the agreement that the only works of art that may not be transferred to Bilbao from New York are those that are subject to American legal restrictions , or works that are too fragile to travel .
15 It is important to remember that such relationships as are displayed in the thesaurus may not be transferred to the index .
16 Part of a proceeding , such as a motion , may not be transferred from a county court to the High Court with the proceedings in general remaining in the county court ( Re Kouyomdjian ( 1956 ) 2 All ER 286 ) .
17 New versions of existing entries may not be stored in the database unless they have first been obtained for update by a known lexicographer , who is the only lexicographer allowed to return it .
18 The employees in such departments are often out of touch with changes in public opinion , relying instead on research data which may not be framed in a context most likely to discover what changes of attitude are occurring in consumer habits .
19 THE FULL resonance of this production may not be felt until next May .
20 It may not be charged on similar sales to purchasers outside the EC .
21 What may not be achieved by argument can be brought about by provocation .
22 If the presumption of wives ' financial dependence on their husbands is not outdated in the 1980s , equitable treatment of the sexes in tax , pensions , social security and the financial arrangements on divorce may not be achieved by equal treatment .
23 Similarly , at the end of period t + 2 firms set prices to cover periods t + 3 and t + 4 and these prices may not be altered in periods t + 3 and t + 4 .
24 On a single syllable ‘ why ’ , the pitch movement might be of this sort : but if there are syllables following , the fall may not be completed on the tonic syllable : why did you go
25 The Stamp Office has issued a guidance note on which documents can benefit from the temporary higher threshold for stamp duty , where the documents are signed on or before 19 August , but relate to a sale that may not be completed until 20 August or later ( p 117 ) .
26 In response to the numbers of queries it has received , the Stamp Office has issued a guidance note on which documents can benefit from the higher threshold , in particular circumstances where the documents are signed on or before 19 August but relate to a sale which may not be completed until 20 August or later .
27 However , the number of self-injuries identified in Edinburgh through referrals to the Regional Poisoning Treatment Centre may have been an underestimate of the total number of cases referred to hospital ( Kreitman 1977 ) , and , in addition , a high proportion of patients with self-injuries may not be referred to hospital at all ( Kennedy and Kreitman 1973 ) .
28 Twenty-five watts may not be regarded as knockout stuff , but as Fender are quick to point out , ‘ Tube watts sound a lot louder than solid state watts . ’
29 ( b ) Intermediate examination Where it is reasonable to expect someone to inspect the goods before they are used , the manufacturer may not be regarded as the cause of the damage .
30 However , product quality may not be sought after at all .
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