Example sentences of "may not have the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Robinson may not have the stature , but he is a magnificent player with great footballing skills and enough versatility to be included .
2 Molton Brown , the British company based in London , may not have the quantity ( 48 eyeshadows and lipsticks , a dozen foundations , plus blushers and powders ) but it offers outstanding quality .
3 This is important because it recognises that retailers may not have the knowledge or the resources to check whether the goods he sells meet the general safety requirement , especially in the case of second-hand goods .
4 So , although a wild horse would continually roam in search of food , a domestic horse may not , or may not have the opportunity to do so .
5 If the salesperson is unsuccessful at this stage , then he or she may not have the opportunity of selling to the firm again until the next model change ( and even then it is difficult trying to dislodge established suppliers ) .
6 Pressed glass may not have the sparkle of fine crystal — but by mixing cheap with expensive , it can look just as elegant , against a backdrop of white linen and silverware .
7 You may not have the support of people around you because
8 An adult owl normally knows this and stays in shelter , but inexperienced hunters may not have the sense to come in out of the rain .
9 At present it appears that local authorities can draw up individual access arrangements with the new owners , but this is not a satisfactory solution , partly because some authorities may not have the motivation to do so , and partly because they are all very short of money and could not back up the agreements financially .
10 The unit may not have the capital in the beginning and has therefore to borrow 10,000 at an annual percentage rate ( APR ) of 12 per cent ( otherwise known as the ‘ internal rate of return ’ ) .
11 Yet , while public policy on testing may not have the immediacy of a tax cut or a nuclear accident , it ultimately affects everyone .
12 The Grummit-Maker and Tube Weekly " may not have the glamour of a national daily , but the opinion or recommendation of the editor of the former could actually bring business to your company .
13 Says another curator , ‘ Rusty may not have the vision to say , ‘ We need a Guido Reni at the National Gallery ’ he 's not the sort of person who could walk through the baroque galleries and realise they even need one , though if a curator went to him wanting to buy one , I think Rusty would certainly be supportive of the move , whereas Carter would basically have turned up his nose and said ‘ no ’ ’ .
14 ‘ We are fearful that older people who want to remain at home may not have the choice because the cost may be more than local authorities can afford ’ , says divisional director Evelyn MeEwen .
15 The trader may not have the money to expand the business
16 Similarly , administrators may not have the open-mindedness , breadth of imagination , intellectual or organisational resources , or the time to generate the full range of alternative courses of action and assess their implications .
17 The answer is that while they may not have the male 's full attention they do often get a good territory with plenty of food .
18 I may put on my notes that this this guy may not have the background but there is something else I 've seen or we 've heard on the phone
19 Hunches these may have been , but they were almost always right — critical theory may not have the language to describe this method of discovering homosexually-relevant material , but as a subcultural practice , a particularly attuned set of decoding skills , it undoubtedly exists , as I and any other gay person can testify .
20 Sometimes they do n't know how to even they may not have the language for communicating feelings .
21 In practical terms , the school librarian or teacher may not have the authority to make a final decision on the purchase of a microcomputer but it is important that s/he has some knowledge of what microcomputers can do and what criteria should be used for selection , so that the decision made by the headteacher may be influenced by the person who will ultimately control and use the microcomputer .
22 Mr Gorbachev may not have the authority to send Soviet troops to non-Russian parts of his own country at this point , so it 's very unlikely that he could or would try to send ground forces to the Persian Gulf .
23 In the meantime , as Bernard says : ‘ England may not have the World Cup , but at least in my fair English blazer pocket there will always be a part of it . ’
24 And may or may not have the resolution , the constancy , so to do .
25 Instead , some individuals or groups in society will fail to forecast inflation correctly and so may , for example , seek money wage increases which are lower than necessary to maintain their real wages ; other individuals or groups may not have the power to gain full compensation for inflation even if they do predict it correctly .
26 But he may not have the power to overrule the precedents ; in any case , reasons of strategy argue against this .
27 We may not have the courage to scream for attention but we can ensure , by being ill , that we get it .
28 Secondly , the tests may produce inconclusive results , or expose some minor defects which may not have the effect of causing mental or physical handicap , but which may affect the child .
29 In periods of rising profits a company which is geared at a low level may not have the growth potential to give ordinary shareholders the returns expected from a more highly-geared company .
30 If you call they may not have the cash in the house .
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