Example sentences of "may be the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Swindon may be the style side , but Oxford United are the entertainers at the moment .
2 This may be the trade-in price of your existing car which means you wo n't have to dip into your savings .
3 At a different level it may be the squad leader who has to define these overall goals in operational terms and who has to lead the squad in battle .
4 Although married Anglican priests have been accepted into the Catholic priesthood , no precedent exists for a bishop , ‘ although it may be the price humility demands ’ .
5 If you can hear a humming noise in the pipework , the cause may be the pump speed being set too high .
6 Needless to say , before you start any treatment for Hexamita and indeed any other disease , check the underlying factors which may be the stress factors listed earlier .
7 Examples of information relevant to computers which may be the subject matter of confidence include : Ideas for a new or improved computer system , hardware and software .
8 So too may be the welfare consequences of vertical integration and related practices .
9 It may be the ASCII code for a single decimal digit ( 49 to 57 ) .
10 Patients like Peter Dawson are often in an agitated state when they first come into hospital … their first port of call may be the seclusion room .
11 The arbitrator , who may be the district judge , a judge or an ‘ outside arbitrator , ’ sets the date for the single substantive hearing of the dispute .
12 But Roxburgh reasoned : ‘ This match may be the World Cup key for Scotland , but in a way the heat 's off Gary .
13 The market which is envisaged as capable of disciplining managers may be the product market ; the market for corporate control ; or the market for managerial talent .
14 In some of these cases the company may be the market leader , that is to say it has the largest single share of the market and because of this has a major influence on market prices and product design .
15 On US television , it may be the crime series subgenre which comes closest to naturalist verisimilitude , and certainly the eighties generation of Hill Street Blues and Cagney and Lacey ( 1981–8 ) seemed to resemble more closely what people believe to be true than the more apparently formulaic structures of Kojak ( 1973–7 ) , Starksy and Hutch ( 1975–80 ) and Charlie 's Angels ( 1976–81 ) or the more obviously cinematic forms of Dragnet ( 1951–8 ) .
16 A complicating factor in recruitment for church choirs may be the boy/girl issue .
17 the searcher may be the end user , possibly approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements .
18 If A has one cable , it may be the end socket of a two-socket spur ( no spur allowed ) , or the last socket on a radial circuit ( spur permitted ) .
19 2 In phonology , the head is that part of a word group which either beings with the stressed syllable of the first accented word , not being the nucleus , and which ends with the syllable immediately preceding the nucleus ; or it may be the pitch pattern associated with that part of a word group .
20 New facts found by accident may be the starting point for new theories and social observers are certainly not lacking in opportunities for chance stimulation in their ordinary everyday life , since they themselves live among the phenomena which they study .
21 For systems which have evolved on the basis of operational experience rather than those which have been created by a formal design process , job analysis rather than task analysis may be the starting point of human factors studies .
22 In some areas this may be the area officer .
23 The initial target in any potential industrial customer may be the gatekeeper role .
24 A son Cynehelm was evidently buried at Winchcombe , and may be the ealdorman Cynehelm who last witnesses a genuine charter in 811 .
25 Inequality in one of these areas may be the root cause of inequality in the other spheres — caste society , as we shall see , appears to be based on status differences .
26 Consequently , if a universal statement or complex of universal statements constituting a theory or part of a theory clashes with some observation statement , it may be the observation statement that is at fault .
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