Example sentences of "may be [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , probabilities often can not be quantified ( even if it is likely to rain there may be no percentage probability of rain ) and so the image of the efficient internal computer is suspect .
2 But in a way I think this may be a defence mechanism .
3 The handicapped may be a minority group but it 's a vast one — the last count , 10 years ago , totalled six million people with identified disabilities .
4 In other words , there may be a common-law duty to ensure that the hotel and catering premises are reasonably safe , apart from the duty owed as an occupier under the OLA 1957 .
5 It may be a carrying agent that delivers the toxins to the victim 's lungs .
6 ‘ This may be a shower curtain . ’
7 And even if there is a family counselling service or marriage guidance counselling there may be a waiting list .
8 Marriage guidance counselling has helped thousands of couples to renew their relationships , though there may be a waiting list and a delay of several weeks or months before counselling is offered .
9 This may not always be straightforward since , although there may be a majority decision , the reasoning used by each member of the majority may differ .
10 It may take a little practice , there may be a telephone box or a house or two to remove but it 's not as difficult as it sounds .
11 The third or fourth bed may be a sofa bed in some cases .
12 If you do not arrange a CheckOver and go ‘ into the red ’ , or borrow more than your agreed CheckOver limit , it is more expensive as there may be a management fee to pay in addition to the Current Account and interest charges .
13 However , there may be a transfer charge of about £10 or £20 as well as an interest penalty of up to 90 days .
14 Industry speculation suggest BA 's counter claim may be a delaying tactic , but British Airways vigorously denies this .
15 Reid may be a rookie boss but he 's grown up quickly .
16 With the runny nose there could be a problem with the sinuses or the pony may be a catarrh sufferer .
17 There may be a deputy manager and one or more senior staff .
18 Rickman , star of Close My Eyes , Truly Madly Deeply and Robin Hood , may be a trump card , although Miss Horton should bear in mind that the convivial , once dashing Scott also has his female admirers in the well-appointed mansion blocks off Cheyne Walk .
19 Blind cereal grain sites may be a yield threat
20 There may be a threshold size and till an enterprise reaches that size it is neither profitable nor effective .
21 ‘ Tell him it may be a heart attack , or colic , or twisted gut .
22 Now the boundary may be a sea boundary , it may be land boundary , it may be an air boundary because the states claim a control over erm particular physical structures .
23 The academic study of music may be a specialist field , but music , of every kind , is widely diffused and performed ; only a small percentage of those attending concerts or recitals will have taken degrees in music .
24 This may be a specialist unit trust company or it may be part of some other large financial grouping , a subsidiary of a retail or merchant bank for example .
25 Most towns have a former industrial area close to the centre — it may be a railway goods yard , cattle market or former brewery — which offers ample space for car-parking as well as large areas for shops .
26 There may be a printer problem .
27 There may be a power struggle between some residents and the care staff in a Home , where a resident , who may perhaps suffer from some confusion , behaves as if the staff are in her charge .
28 Or the power person may be a power broker who has arranged his support before the meeting and knows that he can call on it if his authority is challenged .
29 These work-places belong to two main types of firms — largish firms in traditionally low wage industries such as laundries or electrical component factories or sweet factories , or sweat-shops — where the employer may be a family firm or a self-made man , fiercely anti-union , determined to compete with bigger firms if necessary , by exploiting his workers .
30 I know a very distinguished gentleman at Windsor who 's reaching a certain age where he wants to put the Aston Martin in his will in case there may be a family war over its inheritance .
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