Example sentences of "first [noun sg] in any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " To our knowledge , " the ornithologists say , " this is the first case in any vertebrate in which a drastic and recent change of behaviour has been documented and its genetic basis established . "
2 However , your first resort in any query concerning the verification process should be your systems verifier .
3 A first rule in any mystery is to check the facts .
4 Now that this book is so readily available one suggests as a required first question in any PhD oral in astronomy , ‘ Have you read The Realm of th1 Nebulae ? ’
5 The first move in any programme is to gain the commitment of employers — without this no scheme will work .
6 To which the best answer is : a lot better than the first person in any queue organised by Mr Kaufman .
7 It was his first double-century in any form of cricket , and he told a congratulatory gathering of Pressmen later that he was playing only because of the magical treatment on his injured knee administered by 76-year-old Dr Mohammad Aslam .
8 But once he or she takes that first drink in any day there is no prediction of when that drinking bout will stop .
9 There is decreased ability to stay away from the first use in any day of the substance or process of addiction .
10 I have to say that the Pro GAP would n't be my first choice in any rack system because each time I 've used one I 've been unable to rid it of that ‘ overprocessed ’ synthetic edge .
11 Attention to diet should therefore be a first consideration in any treatment plan to clear out toxic accumulations and correct any vitamin , mineral , trace element or fibre deficiencies .
12 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
13 Normally , the first step in any process is to select an option from an index page , and thereafter to request or provide information on display pages .
14 A study of the nature of the phenomena under investigation is , therefore , an important first step in any research study .
15 Evidence is all around us , and the first step in any research is for the scientist to decide which of the many facts are of concern to him .
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