Example sentences of "first [noun] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On Good Friday 1958 the first march set out for Aldermaston , the atomic research establishment in Berkshire , under the CND symbol , a black circle forked with a white ‘ drooping cross ’ , the semaphore symbols for N and D , which became the membership badge not only for the campaign but for a certain kind of non-conformity among young people .
2 The derailment at Dovey was interesting in that the back bogie of the 37/4 and front bogie of the first coach came off with a bump .
3 ‘ It sounds corny , but as soon as I saw her I knew she was the one , ’ said Blanc , whose first marriage broke up during the difficult years when he was struggling to build up his reputation .
4 Now we will suppose that the author has lighted on important new material or has had a significant number of errors in the first edition pointed out to him .
5 The first bomb went off at 9.20pm near to the Commercial Union building in St Mary Axe as City workers were heading home after celebrating the Tory win .
6 It is possible that for all its lofty consequences , Nietzsche 's willingness to expose himself to Meistersinger in the first place arose out of nothing loftier than social contacts : the coincidence that a sister of Wagner 's living in Leipzig was friendly with Professor Ritschl and his wife , with whom Nietzsche was on excellent terms at the time .
7 Would first statements made up to 28 February 1994 be deemed to exceed 18 months ?
8 Well that first match kicked off at 6 0'clock , the latest score is Samdoria 1 , Rael Sociadad 1 .
9 But production only reached 421,000 last year and the real bright spot was Land-Rover , whose Discovery model helped it achieve the best year for sales since the first Land-Rover rolled out in 1948 , while productivity jumped 25 per cent .
10 Moreover when the Iraqi First Corps swept up at Panjwin , they evicted Iranian forces that had been in possession since 1983 .
11 Lectures often began as early as 5 or 6 a.m. in the summer ( 7 a.m. in the winter ) , and sometimes the first lecture went on for three hours , no provision being made for any food before 10 a.m .
12 At this point the first disturbance broke out in one of the galleries , with groups of men and women starting to chant " Fascism means murder : Down with Mosley " .
13 When the first parade passed off without serious incident ( but with a massive police presence ) , the Portadown Orangemen reaffirmed their determination to go through the Tunnel on the Twelfth .
14 Miss Milward chipped in : ‘ Of course , if the first wife turned out to be still alive and willing to testify , that would be even better . ’
15 The first poster went up at Oval station on April 14 .
16 Adenauer in 1955 proceeded to set up a Ministry of Defence and to create a new Bundeswehr , whose first members joined up in November .
17 When exiting from the stage , a first violinist bent down in fake adoration to kiss her feet .
18 The first vehicles loomed out of the darkness on the south bank , driving only on convoy lights with each one following the barely seen , under-chassis-mounted , single White light of the one in front .
19 From then there would be seven hours of golf , from the moment the first pro drove off till the final putt dropped on the 18th green .
20 The first wagon fell on to the wreckage and so the premonition ended .
21 The ‘ naked ’ crab moved about 60 cm ( 2 ft ) away while the first crab nipped out of its damaged shell and took up residence in the new one .
22 In time the first snowflakes fluttered down between the trees .
23 Where they disappeared amid the crazed valleys and jumbled boulders of the dusty scablands , the first explorers drew back in defeat , unable to decipher the wild terrain .
24 Then he looked specifically at the effect of the results of the three month or si six month cystoscopies , but they did note that only those pa only those patients who had recurrence in the first year went on to progressive stage .
25 In 1980 he arrived at Queen 's University to study law and at the end of his first year flew out to the USA to find summer jobs as labourer .
26 Since one of the preparations given to the first patient contained up to 187 mg of arsenic trioxide per dose , there is a potential for fatal poisoning .
27 Said Jolosa : ‘ It is bad being the first player sent off in the new league , but I was a marked man from the start .
28 ‘ Plancius ’ was anchored some way offshore because of shallow water and reefs , so when the first party went off in the inflatable , we could see no land at all and had to steer by compass .
29 Heralded by a deafening midnight firework display and a cacophony of ships ’ hooters and truck horns , P&O 's Pride of Kent , the first ferry arrival of the New Year , docked in the port 's Number Two berth and the first trucks rolled off onto the otherwise virtually empty quayside .
30 She accepted a glass of water and for the first time looked round in order to take in the room and the people before her .
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