Example sentences of "good [noun sg] of her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These differences led to differing perceptions of their role by the two development officers — in Ipswich the development officer was a little unsure of how she was going to ‘ work in with the existing multi-disciplinary team ’ , whereas in Newham the development officer said she felt she was probably going to spend a good deal of her time negotiating between the different services and ‘ getting them to talk to each other ’ .
2 She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce , and looked as if the sentiments of the burial service kept stabbing her to the heart .
3 Just trying to put some of those questions to the man was turning the whole ill-fated interview into a monster that dominated a good deal of her thinking .
4 There 's a good deal of her father in her , I dare say .
5 Both the local people and the expatriate community had been happy to befriend the pretty blonde newcomer and her infant son , with the result that whenever Ashley came down to the village she spent a good proportion of her time chatting .
6 She looked like an Egyptian mummy in boots , but it was a good picture of her rescuer .
7 She could see that if the circumstances of their meeting had been happier they would have had a good drink of her mother 's secret stash of Bushmill 's and reminisced all night .
8 A Guide makes good use of her time .
9 JEWKES : O , you are very good , sir , very forgiving indeed , but come , I hope you will be so good as to take her to your bosom and that my tomorrow morning you 'll bring her to a better sense of her duty .
10 American Julie Parisien , the top-ranked slalom racer , is strong in three events and seems to be in the best condition of her career .
11 Bouquets arrive daily , one from Coronation Street 's Lynne Perry — the best comedienne of her day and my idol and inspiration .
12 A. in Reverie was undoubtedly the painting of the season , and the portrait he had recently finished of Mrs C — , the celebrated actress , was acclaimed — and not only by the sitter — as the best likeness of her striking looks ever achieved .
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