Example sentences of "only a [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Data from the Third World suggests that it may be dubious : mortality is only a good indicator of the overall health of a population when infectious diseases are a major problem ( US National Center for Health Statistics 1973 ) .
2 I see only a good case of thrush , minimum .
3 While analysts appreciate more information — because they have the ability to separate the price sensitive information from the padding — shareholders may require only a good summary of performance to date .
4 While the norm was in effect a type of seduction poem , in which sexual love is frustrated and unrealized , Shakespeare drops that whole area of human behaviour yet shows that love-poetry is still possible — only a new kind of love .
5 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
6 Only a broad outline of some of these methods is possible ; the interested reader is referred to Beck and Emery ( 1985 ) for a more complete account .
7 This report gives only a broad outline of ICI 's environmental performance .
8 Initially , most contracts are likely to include only a broad specification of the service being purchased .
9 Although the excavators have warned that these dates are only a broad indication of that of the complex and segmented line which is this phase of the Danevirke as a whole , they nevertheless believe that in a period of danger from Germany Harald rebuilt the central section , and was also responsible for the first phases of the flanking lines to east and west .
10 Although only a recent feature of modern financial systems , options have existed at various times in the past .
11 World War two was only a recent example of what had been an historical constant .
12 In contrast to figure 12.1 , the map resulting from this construal revealed not only a higher number of judgments but also a more effective structuring of their relationships .
13 K. The East Anglian Heights are only a low ridge of chalk hills which dip gently to the east .
14 If , however , there was only a low chance of treatment being effective , or there was a high risk of death or deterioration any risk of unbearable distress to the patient , or there could be an unwarrantable drain on resources , there was no obligation to proceed .
15 Sir Adrian Cadbury is not one of those who subscribes to the popular theory that a truly professional manager can take over the helm of any type of business with only a superficial knowledge of the nuts and bolts .
16 I have given here only a superficial account of the business of signatures but sufficient , I hope , to indicate something of their history , use and worth .
17 Even in St Petersburg , where the proportion of hereditary proletarians was greatest , only a narrow majority of workers had severed their ties with the countryside .
18 I mean it was only a narrow bit of earth like that .
19 But the board provides only a narrow range of sensitivity on the variables under its own control .
20 The evidence suggests that they are often indifferent to their educational attainment and are interested in only a narrow range of basic skills or in traditional education for the ‘ high-fliers ’ .
21 Often it is necessary to start activity with some contrived problems that restrict demand on the pupil , ie , only a narrow range of techniques and knowledge is involved , while the presentation level will depend on the group 's ability .
22 Only a narrow range of speeds was viable .
23 Each eye has only a narrow field of view , but it can be swivelled independently to scan over a hemisphere .
24 The words ‘ reasonably satisfied ’ and ‘ substantially fewer ’ are selected deliberately ; for the alternative is so grave that the choice ought not to be made on only a narrow margin of evidence or probability .
25 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
26 The two most likely services to trigger a process of decline are the post office , which often acts as a multiple service facility ( Taylor and Emerson , 1981 ) , and the primary school , which is not only a central feature of the community but also a vital ingredient in retaining a young and active population ( Jones , 1980 ) .
27 Houghton is a management analyst and appears to have only a hazy idea of how librarians organize book selection , and of the sources that they use .
28 The vast majority of such experiences can easily be interpreted in terms of orthodox science — usually statistics : most people , including myself , have only a hazy understanding of the workings of probability , and so perfectly commonplace coincidences seem to be outrageously improbable , and are therefore viewed as being in some way paranormal .
29 Having an ‘ eye ’ at each end of its body , this Oscar cichlid gives its predators only a fifty-fifty chance of striking its head .
30 Its outcome is not really in doubt , not because it is a put-up job but because the CEGB would not go into such an exercise if it had only a 50–50 chance of success .
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