Example sentences of "only [num] per cent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The situation is more acute in the rural areas when only 32 per cent of the population aged seven to fourteen years are enrolled at school .
2 Although only 32 per cent of women between 65 and 70 live alone , the proportion rises to 60 per cent for those over 80 .
3 Laboratory tests revealed that only 32 per cent of the nitrogen content ended up as organic nitrogen compounds .
4 Opinion polls conducted immediately after the election showed 36 per cent against EC membership and only 32 per cent in favour .
5 Details of a report by the Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche ( WIIW — the Vienna Institute for International Comparative Economics ) , published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of April 19 , 1990 , showed that industrial production in member states of COMECON had risen by only 1.2 per cent in 1989 — the lowest ever recorded .
6 As a result , in 1979 only 75 per cent of payments for imports and net interest was covered by exports and other net receipts .
7 For example , Beveridge allowed pensioners only 75 per cent of the scientific food value regarded as necessary for ‘ physical efficiency ’ , in addition to 10 per cent for special food needs .
8 As Urban Programme allocations were limited , covering only 75 per cent of total costs , capital projects did not always receive appropriate current support .
9 Why does department X manage to enable all pupils to reach exam-entry standard , whereas department Y finds a steady dropping-out in terms of motivation and attendance , and its teachers seem content that only 75 per cent of the pupils take the exam ?
10 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
11 This is reversed at the opposite end , however : 11.5 per cent of men and only 6.2 per cent of women gained thirds ( Universities Statistical Record ) .
12 Only 51.7 per cent of the 1,440,000 registered voters reportedly participated .
13 The New Earnings Survey shows that in 1984 women earned only 74 per cent of men 's hourly rate , and only 66 per cent of men 's gross weekly earnings .
14 Both rounds were marked by a very low turnout , with only 20.87 per cent of the electorate participating in the second round .
15 During the Battle of Britain , Air Chief Marshal Dowding had the incomparable advantage of information from Ultra and he monitored its signals very carefully ; he knew , therefore , that only fifty per cent of the German aircraft were then serviceable , and so , on 15 September he sent up every available fighter plane against the enemy .
16 Thirdly , there are amendments in the name of the Government of the er Noble Earl Lord which are Amendments ten , fifteen and twenty and these provide for greater flexibility in the size of police authorities , again between sixteen and twenty-four members to be determined by the Secretary of State and for the Bill 's existing proposition that er fifty per cent of the members should be er and only fifty per cent of the members , should be from local authorities that er er er er that er of the remainder some should be magistrates and some should be members appointed by the Secretary of State and finally er there is a series of amendments er by the Noble Lord , Lord , Amendment seventeen , eighteen and twenty-two and those provide again with flexibility of size for er police authorities that half of the members should be from local authorities and the other half should be magistrates .
17 The actual hardware , the turbine blades , covers only 2.3 per cent of the area exposed to the wind .
18 India 's growth rate has slowed by only 1.15 per cent over the last ten years , despite Indira Ghandi 's attempts to emulate China by offering a free transistor radio for every vasectomy .
19 But to begin with it will cover only 70 per cent of the country , excluding large chunks of the south coast where the cost of air time is highest and the pressure for competition greatest .
20 This display of aesthetic preference is not absolute , but probabilistic : given a choice between two colours that we know from learning experiments they can distinguish reliably — purple and blue , for example — the bees will choose their favourite , purple , only 70 per cent of the time rather than 100 per cent .
21 They 've tried hard to reach owners of models that could be a potential problem but have still reached only 70 per cent of them .
22 The Pilgrim Trust 's survey of a sample of unemployed men included some 170,000 wives and it was calculated that these women ate only 70 per cent of the calories consumed by men , rather than the 85 per cent recommended by dieticians .
23 Even the ‘ sunnier ’ east received only 70 per cent of normal sunshine and Stornoway 's 22.9 hours represented the second dullest February on record ( since 1881 ) , the dullest being 1943 with 21.7 hours .
24 In 1985 only 2.4 per cent of farmers ' sons finding employment were engaged in farming .
25 Only eight per cent of children from low income families ( in the Registrar General 's social classes four and five ) go to university , even though they are guaranteed a free education through a full grant plus social security .
26 Only eight per cent of children from low income families ( in the Registrar General 's social classes four and five ) go to university , even though they are guaranteed a free education through a full grant plus social security .
27 Joseph Rothschild points out that in the inter-war period , the whole of Eastern Europe , excluding Russia , produced only eight per cent of European industrial production and that a third of that came from Czechoslovakia .
28 The survey , in the British Medical Journal , also found that only eight per cent of doctors knew how to use a thermometer .
29 And only eight per cent of those that did had engaged a lawyer to speak for them ‘ even though , where defendants are represented , they are more likely to receive a favourable outcome . ’
30 By 7 years only 1.5 per cent of children are still soiling and by 10 to 11 years this is down to 0.8 per cent ( Bellman 1966 ) .
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