Example sentences of "give a [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't give a shit about not scoring goals .
2 Jordan , from his expression , did n't give a damn about either Leila or the group .
3 The microscope should be fitted with a calibrated ocular micrometer and should give a magnification of approximately x100 .
4 Prof IG Simmons , head of Geography at Durham University and a writer about the human influence on the environment , will give a talk on where he considers the world is heading .
5 But , and I did n't know this until I read the book , if you stand next to something that is triangular shaped , like , say , a triangle , it will give you a great feeling of harmony , and you wo n't give a f— about not having a place to live . ’
6 Poor Madame Moulton found that Princess Metternich had acquired a quantity of corn on the cob which she had persuaded the Empress to have cooked and served so that Mme Moulton could give a demonstration of how it should be eaten .
7 As criterion referencing is concerned with descriptions of performance this exercise may give an indication about how some criteria might be expressed .
8 A positive result does not give an indication of when the infection by HIV occurred .
9 Motions , right , black and smelly , okay , and according to how the different colour of the motion be there , or the different colour of the grains were there would give an indication of how long this 'd been going on or how far up the gut it was , and the damage was okay ?
10 If a firm is operating in a good , competitive market then , notwithstanding the problems associated with accounting measurements , profit does give an indication of how well it produced goods : the market was willing to pay more for the finished goods than it cost the firm to produce them , if the firm made a profit .
11 And can you give an indication of how quickly these things could be ordered in an emergency ?
12 That in turn will give an indication of how believable the City finds the Chancellor 's figures .
13 Hopefully this will give an insight into how we try to please most of the people most of the time , and maybe encourage more staff to put pen to paper and get into print .
14 It does not give an example of how revenue expenditure is allocated down to Regions , Districts and Units , and the ‘ before and after ’ cases of their allocations showing the impact of capital charges , and how they will change when Districts or Units actually increase or decrease their employment of fixed assets .
15 Let me give an example of how this might work in terms of numbers .
16 The best of these often give a sense of both the science and the doing of science .
17 When preparing your evening meal , give a thought to tomorrow 's lunch .
18 In assessing additional needs for educational expenditure ( AEN ) and the needs for Personal Social Services for children aged less than 17 , both the Department of Education and Science and the Department of Health and Social Security use better estimates , which give a total of nearly 1.5 million children in lone-parent families .
19 Do people sort of artificially put on their best behaviour , as it were , or something like that , and thereby give a sort of rather distorted impression as to what 's really going on .
20 ‘ A huge , broad smile exercises 27 muscles , so give a series of very exaggerated ones , but do n't hold them too long .
21 The photographs alone give an idea of how wide-ranging the interventions have been .
22 In these populated areas , fieldworkers concentrate instead on looking for scatters of finds , such as sherds of pottery and worked stones , because these give an indication of where previously unknown archaeological sites lie buried : the finds are usually brought to the surface as the sites are damaged by ploughing .
23 Many companies give an indication of how easy ( or difficult ! ) each plant is to raise so I 'd suggest that for the first year you stick with fairly easy ones , perhaps trying a couple of ‘ harder ’ ones .
24 The latest findings give an indication of how narrow the Tories ' lead has become .
25 Material culture and aesthetics are outwards manifestations of a culture , and these give an indication of how consumers in a particular culture behave .
26 To provide a summary of these stages , and give an example of how Procedure Audit might work in practice , consider typical procedures for claiming travel and other expenses in a small section of a large organisation .
27 As a passage migrant des Forges and Harber give an average of about five Montagu 's Harriers a year between 1947 and 1961 but , with only about 55 recorded between 1962 and 1976 , this annual average shows a decline of about 25 per cent .
28 That in line with the Area Staff Commission and understanding the need to give adequate administrative support on an equitable basis , Regional Coordinators be given a budget of certainly not less in real terms than at present , to allocate to administrative support for regional colleagues wef April 1st , 1993 .
29 Bill was given a cheque with best wishes for a long and happy retirement , from all his friends in Scottish Amicable .
30 The company has given a guarantee of up to £693,000 ( 1990 nil ) in respect of a bank advance to a prospective overseas agent .
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