Example sentences of "people [Wh pn] [verb] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Special BAYS membership offer — a special combined fee of £4.50 is available for young people who wish to come to BAYSDAY and join BAYS for the first time
2 I 'm conscious of the time , and we may like to have a break for tea , but there are also three people who wish to contribute to the discussion .
3 It came to focus on a headhunting approach to find this talent , not necessarily people who had gone to the right schools and universities .
4 Everyone was there : the host families , the pianists , Mildred Fender , Susan Tilley , Richard Rodzinski , John Giordano , Dudley Moore , the judges , the people who had thrown the parties , the people who had gone to the parties .
5 She arrived after the majority of people who had run to the scene from the school premises .
6 But she did n't envy people who had to go to school .
7 Moreover , people who had migrated to towns would be allowed to return to the countryside and receive plots upon joining co-operatives , while local residents who were not farmers would be allowed plots of 2,500 square metres provided that they paid a tax and undertook to put the land to cultivation .
8 In fact she went out of her way to show her support for the people who had contributed to it .
9 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
10 On the strength of this exchange , Lewis realized that Havard would be a man who would enjoy meeting some of the people who had taken to dropping into his rooms at Magdalen on Thursday evenings .
11 The panellists were selected from a group of 111 people who had responded to newspaper advertisements .
12 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
13 The co-ordinator told me that many people who had come to therapy groups for anxieties or depressions were now volunteer workers .
14 The official news agency Tanjug reported on Aug. 13 that nearly 90,000 people had left their homes in Croatia since the start of the clashes , quoting Red Cross figures of 48,161 Serbs who had fled to Serbia and 30,651 Croatians to Croatia plus some 10,000 people who had fled to Bosnia .
15 Vietnam and the UK had signed an agreement in principle on forced repatriation on Oct. 29 , 1991 [ see p. 38531 ] , but Vietnam had at that time only agreed to immediate repatriation of new arrivals and so-called " double-backers " — people who had fled to the colony a second time .
16 People who came to listen to her included Colonel William Sydenham [ q.v. ] of the council of state and Thomas Allen , later lord mayor of London .
17 Yeah , and I do n't now but i I mean I 'm certainly in two I 've been since there 's people who 've referred to the fact that they do n't have those members of staff working for them at the optimum days ,
18 It 's the silly new middle-aged people who 've got to be young who 've changed .
19 I 'm also well aware that for all the people who take thirtysomething to their hearts , there are at least as many who ca n't abide it .
20 ‘ Now we 've got two people who admit going to the second floor that afternoon : Pascoe and Hunter-Blair .
21 The same people who 'd listened to those jokes were laughing in earnest now ; were calling him ridiculous .
22 Of the vast number of Ayrshire people who have emigrated to Canada , the man who was most successful financially was Robert Dunsmuir ( 1825–89 ) who went from Hurlford to Vancouver Island and amassed a fortune from coal mining and other businesses ( See Chapter 31 ) but the man who did most towards the advancement of the new country was John Galt ( See Chapter 9 ) .
23 Mr Keegan said : ‘ We want to personally thank the people who have contributed to this memorial and to thank everyone in Kirkby for their support and kind wishes over the months . ’
24 There is substantial evidence that people who have migrated to Britain quite commonly send sums of money on a regular basis to assist relatives still living in their country of origin .
25 The same pattern certainly is found among people who have migrated to Britain from overseas since the end of the Second World War .
26 It also reveals that 18.9 per cent of households , 434 in all , are made up of people who have retired to the Dales and of these some 54 per cent previously lived outside Yorkshire .
27 Common examples are people who have said to me :
28 They 're only humans , people who have to go to the toilet and fart just like the rest of humanity .
29 Winter-lets are not intrinsically bad , but they are ‘ symptoms rather than causes of insecure housing , chiefly because many authorities ignore the needs of people who have to resort to them for want of a better choice … . ’
30 We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have written to us .
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