Example sentences of "people [am/are] [v-ing] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 so if blind people are trying to be on the same level terms with sighted people , then , you know , why should they get an
2 We saw in the main street the corpse of a woman already gnawed by dogs ( people are beginning to be afraid of dogs ) .
3 People are beginning to be totally frustrated with Government inactivity , ’ he said .
4 They believe that since the Age of Aquarius started , people are beginning to be a lot nicer to each other a lot more responsible , caring and understanding .
5 Now , he finds people are beginning to be more open about their sexuality , and consequently he has been promoting the activities of the centre for sexual problems in Istanbul .
6 Look happy — other people are waiting to be friendly .
7 Why does he not call in the authorities that he mentioned — there are others — to identify the problems that confront them and which lead to properties being left empty when clearly , a large number of people are waiting to be housed ?
8 Thinking of , for example , those summer vacation sessions you used to have with the Berlin players in Saint-Moritz in the 1960s and '70s , I am sure one day people are going to be looking back to all this as some great Golden Age that has now gone for good .
9 Such people are going to be disappointed with what follows , for I shall merely continue to look critically at some of the concepts to which she has given prominence .
10 But I 'm aware that people are going to be suspicious of another band mixing guitars with dance beats .
11 THE Queen might last for a considerable time but people are going to be questioning the role of the monarchy more and more .
12 ‘ And after all the controversy involving Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis this summer , Lancashire and Surrey will be well aware that people are going to be looking at their performances .
13 When you get to about 13 or 14 , you begin to realize that your colour , even if you had n't thought about it much , means that other people are going to be different to you .
14 There is an assumption behind all this that size does matter , which seems to be belied by the fact that IBM 's enormous $60,000m a year bulk has been unable to save the company — but IBM 's problems all arise from the fact that the company 's business is so hopelessly slewed to one sector of the market , with products that fewer and fewer people are going to be happy to own .
15 ‘ But do n't fed any sense of anticlimax , because everyone here wants to meet you , and all sorts of parties are being arranged , and several people are going to be calling you in the morning . ’
16 ‘ Well , I do n't know , ’ says Charles , ‘ but I met this girl in television the other evening , and she said people are going to be dropping off your Matterhorn thing like fleas off a dog . ’
17 If we get panic people are going to be crushed to death and there will be mayhem in the car park .
18 Well I meant to say , if , if , if we , if there is an assurance that elderly people are going to be helped , and there 's going to be a day centre there , I think we do handle the elderly pretty much anyway in this county , I would be certainly prepared to support it .
19 We we it 's it 's always difficult in January to say how many people are going to be there to take part , but we last year it was about about five hundred I think .
20 I do n't think people are going to be disappointed if they miss out .
21 ‘ Despite what people say , I think it will be a long time until black people are going to be in a position to do that .
22 Cos people are going to be sending you messages on it
23 er Again it 's difficult to say , the information has been leaking out from the talks , er it does n't look as though a pay formula is being included but Roger Pulne , er even on the onset of this dispute guaranteed the members er that any deal that was struck with management would include a pay formula and er if the deal does n't come out with a pay formula after the ballot as I say , I think people are going to be very disappointed and let-down by our union negotiators .
24 The list goes on , I mean can you , can you make any sort of judgement about the sort of money you 're going to raise , if , if all these people are going to be taking part ?
25 When people are attempting to be different for the sake of it , I find it incredibly irritating . ’
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