Example sentences of "people [prep] [noun prp] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , in a marked shift of attitude , stated before the meeting that the peoples of Europe had to be free to choose their own future , while Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher warned that Germany would press for severe political and economic sanctions against Yugoslavia if the army continued to defy the federal authorities .
2 Although the people of Stowey had by degrees reconciled themselves to the presence of Coleridge , who lived in their midst with his wife and child , Wordsworth 's arrival at remote Alfoxden , with a young woman said to be his sister , provided much greater scope for speculation .
3 An added advantage that the deaf people of Glasgow had over any other deaf community in the country was that they had a regular ‘ Deaf and Dumb Notes ’ column every week in the Glasgow Evening Times , the largest selling Scottish evening paper .
4 The people in NoS had to be made to realize that if they were going after big money , professional management had to come in .
5 I fully understand that and I recognise the justifiable pride which people in Grampian have in the services provided and in the developments which have taken place in conjunction with the medical school .
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