Example sentences of "also play an [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 Weaving also plays an essential part in the practical life of the tribe , providing the floor coverings , tent hangings , bags and functional artifacts that constitute the furniture and furnishings of the nomadic way of life .
2 Symbolism also plays an important part of ‘ Great Expectations ’ .
3 Money also plays an important part of marriage .
4 Both also played an active part in the national movement .
5 Haycock also played an active part in the political life of Shrewsbury , sitting on the council for thirty-four years , rising to become an alderman , and serving as mayor in 1842 .
6 Certainly it stands comparison with the better-known Haua Fteah cave in North Africa , which hunters and gatherers occupied from about 75000 years ago and where shellfish also played an important part in the people 's economy .
7 The fortunes made out of slavery and the allied triangular trade in sugar , tobacco , cotton and other commodities produced in the Caribbean islands and America also played an important part in British economic development .
8 Failure to improve the condition of the remaining housing stock has also played an important part in the rise of ghetto conditions .
9 Nursery provision would also play an important part in women 's and children 's lives .
10 Body position and movement also play an important part — although the fact that turns latch on to each other successfully in telephone conversations seems to suggest that these factors , like gaze , are perhaps not as important as might at first appear .
11 But particularly in the absence of a coherent professional philosophy it is reasonable to suppose that social and occupational origins also play an important part in shaping judicial attitudes to imprisonment in this country .
12 Deflective body movements also play an important part in avoiding an attack .
13 However , they also play an important part in other types of political system — that of a tribe or a city-state — so that it is necessary , secondly , to enquire into the more specific conditions in which nation states emerge .
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