Example sentences of "also [vb pp] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 She was also given a cheque for nineteen pounds to buy a hundred second cla second class stamps for the postcard campaign .
2 Military planners have also developed a strategy for nuclear defence in which attacking missiles would have to run a gauntlet of several ‘ layers ’ of defence .
3 Aussies have also developed a taste for the drink , despite strong competition from lager .
4 The contest was open to all hairdressing students at the institute but also included a category for senior stylists and salon owners .
5 NCD has also incorporated a socket for laptop and palmtop credit-card-style adapters in its new Ethernet-Serial-PCMCIA board which plugs into any of its X-terminals as an alternative to existing Ethernet interfaces .
6 Tivoli has also built a toolkit for non-programmers called the Application Extension Facility ( AEF ) so they can customise Tivoli applications and migrate existing systems management programmes to a standard .
7 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
8 He had also shown a gift for learning languages , first in India , and when in August 1951 he returned to the BBC , it was to join its monitoring service at Caversham as a report writer .
9 What was more , she 'd also got a cover for the couch and some rugs for the hall and a stair-carpet .
10 I had also got a ticket for another friend and neighbour , , whose late father held the Salvesen Chair of European Governmental Studies in the University here .
11 ‘ The council have also agreed a procedure for dealing with future breaches of the Sunday Trading provisions of the Shops Act . ’
12 As the Queen 's ‘ annus horribilis ’ neared its end , the rector also offered a prayer for those suffering sorrow and sadness .
13 Detectives also found a formula for diluting LSD hidden behind a sideboard and chemical equipment under the stairs .
14 Training officers ' needs have also provided a stimulus for co-operative groups , both in terms of their need to obtain maximum benefit from resources ( benefits which can improve when resources are pooled ) and also in terms of their need to meet and exchange information/ideas :
15 The concerns of what might be called the research and development agencies in the NHS , such as the Nuffield Foundation and the Kings Fund , also provided a stimulus for change .
16 The anniversary year and the MacRobert also provided a showcase for the riches of the University Art Collection .
17 The repeated use of the word ‘ Adoration ’ and ‘ Glorious ’ have also provided a basis for critical interpretation .
18 The launch of Compact also provided a focus for debate about business and education links and the partners here made a major contribution to our thinking , delivery and evolution of a COMPACT scheme .
19 Several inhibitor studies have also indicated a role for calmodulin and the Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase CaMKII in LTP r84,88,94–96 .
20 The grass roots also tabled a demand for 30 new pastors to be appointed each year to take over vacant parishes .
21 He was also allowed a car for his own use .
22 Adrian Gozzard , ex-Plessey , also expressed a preference for consultants who took responsibility for all parts of the search , bringing in the business in the first place and the , closely supervising the research .
23 As well as the success in managing to circumvent , persuade or buy off the opposition to nuclear power plants , France has also established a formula for building PWRs quicker than anyone else .
24 The DoE has also published a Guide for Parents for Children with Special Needs and given advice to student primary teachers .
25 The 1980–1 riots also suggested a need for improvements in police training and equipment , which were first evident in the Warrington Messenger dispute of 1983 .
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