Example sentences of "also [vb pp] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 To be fair , the C E C have not tried to say that everything in the garden is rosy , they 've also highlighted a number of problem areas that still exist .
2 Heelas has also given a survey of the different attempts at defining aggression , and the main theories which account for it ( Heelas 1982 , 1983 ) .
3 and he was also given a promise of the reversion of Boraston 's job .
4 They were given an ounce of twist tobacco a week and two at Christmas , when they were also given a pint of beer .
5 I have also given a number of scientific and popular talks .
6 But readers were also given a piece of gummed paper to stick after the figure ten , written on which was the missing word ‘ million ’ . )
7 SAIC has also completed a port of HP 's Task Broker network load balancer , and has just got the go-ahead for seven further ports , thought to include DEC , Silicon Graphics and IBM .
8 While a strict hierarchy of individuals and families operated within the village , villages also developed a kind of democracy and spirit of mutual reliance and assistance .
9 He has also developed a style of polished elegance which has become as characteristic of our time as Man Ray 's solarized photography was of the years around 1930 .
10 The courts have also developed a set of rules embodied in the doctrine of ultra vires ( see Section B ) which impose certain limitations on the substance of governmental actions and decisions .
11 Individual departments also developed a series of service planning systems .
12 I have also received a copy of the Public Notice from Lancashire County Council and I note that this refers only to ‘ motor vehicles ’ .
13 Derry 's rivals in the Croke Park clash — Cork — have been allocated 14,000 tickets and in keeping with All-Ireland tradition , every other county north and south of the border has also received a number of tickets .
14 Mr Gould , a prominent anti-Common Market campaigner in the 1970s , also favoured a realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism .
15 He was also prescribed a course of high dose intravenous ascorbic acid , 40 g three times weekly , supplemented by 20–40 g ascorbic acid daily by mouth .
16 In addition , Dave tells me that the centre has also treated a number of carbon monoxide poisonings and gas gangrene injuries — fortunately , both from causes other than diving .
17 It has also provoked a spate of anti-Oxfam stories in the British media .
18 Our first Report , submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales on 30 September 1988 , made recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study for English for the primary stages , and also contained a number of chapters relevant to the whole of the compulsory school age range .
19 The mill was later taken over by the cloth producers , Woolwark and Bird , a concern that also occupied a number of other mills .
20 The farming lobby has also pursued a policy of agricultural exceptionalism when it has come to the institution of a wide range of welfare and safety measures .
21 The history of astronomy also disclosed a succession of hypotheses , which made claims for physical truth look precarious .
22 Of the less well known Indian appointments , a place in the Indian Marine also attracted a number of Scots even though it was based at unpopular Bombay , for it was a service which promoted by seniority , and death from wounds or disease could allow the rapid elevation of a healthy midshipman to a position of command .
23 An increased flow of water not only led to greater purity of the commodity , but also permitted a rebuilding of the entire sewage system .
24 While in Moscow Bush also addressed a meeting of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations and held separate talks with the President of the Russian Federation , Boris Yeltsin and the Kazakh President , Nursultan Nazarbayev .
25 Racial nationalism also included a critique of Jewish banking policies .
26 The report catalogued and illustrated the losses , the threats and the success stories , and also included a list of recommendations .
27 The army with which Cnut eventually conquered England in 1016 also included a number of these largely independent warlords .
28 He had also caught a glimpse of a gang of young kids from Riotsville moving through the streets , looking for some action .
29 Nationalist groups also organized a series of demonstrations in Bratislava in the week leading up to March 14 , the anniversary of the foundation of the independent Slovak republic under German protection in 1939 .
30 Furthermore , it has been established that the Parisian miniaturist Honoré also illuminated a Book of Hours , now at Nuremberg , for an English patron .
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