Example sentences of "also [vb past] with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sturt 's Murray Scrubs expedition , restricted though it was in scale and ambition in comparison with the great adventure six years later , also met with limited success .
2 Nien held talks with his Chinese counterpart , Xu Dunxin , but also met with Foreign Minister Qian Qichen , Premier Li Peng and Chinese Communist Party general secretary Jiang Zemin .
3 The Community Programme also met with some suspicion when it was first introduced by the MSC in the early 1980s but it proved to be a boon for many bureaux to expand their services and broaden their workforce .
4 His quick eye also registered with some interest that not one of the ladies present , as far as he could judge , belonged to his mother 's circle .
5 A huge ‘ inverted funnel ’ of painted , coarsely plastered brickwork lies on top of an oak beam which acts as a fascia spanning a very broad fireplace , also lined with white-painted brickwork ( Plate 12 ) .
6 A few weeks later , he also reported with some amusement how he had involved a colleague ( not a member of the group ) in discussion about another pupil when he had caught both himself and his colleague ‘ fixing ’ the child inadvertently in his bad behaviour .
7 He also experimented with lighter-than-air flight : he wrote three papers on airships in the Philosophical Magazine ( February 1816–July 1817 ) of Alexander Tilloch [ q.v. ] , and in 1820 he successfully flew a model airship at Brompton .
8 The applicant also appealed with special leave from the judgment of Barnett J.
9 She also suffered with abdominal bloating , headaches , irritability , depression and severe cravings for sweet foods .
10 He also drummed with Black Sabbath and Samantha Fox .
11 They also liaised with each other , their supervisor and the research team .
12 Veterans also chatted with top management including chairman David Sainsbury and joint president Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover .
13 Standardised mortality ratios also fell with increasing head circumference ( x≥4.6 , p=0.03 ) and increasing ponderal index ( weight/length ) ( x≥3.8 , p=0.05 ; for premature deaths x≥6.0 , p=0.01 ) .
14 Steven Richardson also emerged with great credit in his first Masters .
15 Sophia also reflected with some satisfaction on the way she had spoken about Rupert-'only Rupert Stonebird' , who ‘ did n't seem to matter ’ .
16 He also wondered with equal suddenness what on earth was happening to him .
17 Argentinian air force cargo jets also loaded with military equipment at Stansted in Essex on 3 , 10 , 12 and 25 March 1982 .
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