Example sentences of "also [be] seen [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But this brutality and coercion has been seen not merely as a question of physical or ‘ external ’ coercion or constraint ; the force of subjection has also been seen as a psychic one , invading women 's very selves .
2 Not only is this seen as an important element in strengthening the drive to promote ‘ value for money ’ but it has also been seen as an important cog in the machinery of accountability to Parliament .
3 Philip Drew had also been seen at the relevant time by a stagehand .
4 It has also been seen in a more subtle form in the moves in Sierra Leone in the 1970s and Liberia in the 1980s by the ‘ truly indigenous ’ or tribal population to take economic power away from the creole population which had been active in trading and business for more than a century .
5 A separation of science from religion has also been seen in a diminished authority for the Bible in matters of natural philosophy .
6 Reductions in mortality similar to that found by our meta-analysis have also been seen in the controlled ( non-randomised ) study by Muhilal et al , achieved by fortifying monosodium glutamate supplied to villages ; this maintains retinol levels better than infrequent high doses .
7 It can also be seen below the Carboniferous Limestone mentioned earlier in Kashmir .
8 A drop in cases coming before the political ’ Special Courts ’ can also be seen as a reflection of the fall in expression of critical opinion in the summer of 1940 .
9 Conservation , to architect and public alike , is not a fad , a fetter or a curse : it is a necessity which should also be seen as a stimulating challenge .
10 All existing buildings should also be seen as a potential resource .
11 The marginal dependence of d can also be seen as a virtue once it is fully understood .
12 The same cognitive mechanism responsible for the deleterious effects of psychotic disorder can therefore also be seen as a gateway through which the raw material of creativity , originating below immediate awareness , is passed for elaboration by the conscious mind .
13 These proposals can also be seen as a response to the weakening of the claims of the shareholders as property owners due to the separation of ownership and control in the large public company .
14 It can without difficulty also be seen as a staircase with the under surface of the stairs visible .
15 But social policy making must also be seen as a political process .
16 However , the drop in the share price could also be seen as a corrective to the excessive value placed on the shares in the company 's first months on the stock market .
17 But the book can also be seen as a defence of ‘ destabilising theory ’ in the second sense : in other words , a defence of post-structuralist theory , which does the destabilising .
18 But the meeting will also be seen as a further strengthening of Anglo-Irish ties at a time when the governments in London and Dublin are trying to start new talks aimed at finding a political solution in Ulster .
19 This refusal is much more of a " classic " polite refusal : it is not immediate ( being offset instead by laughter , which also marks it as " non-serious " ) and is immediately followed by an excuse ( " I 'm gon na take Natasha over the park " ) , which could also be seen as a bid to be treated as doing something equivalently onerous : looking after a child instead of washing up .
20 Asset backed bonds , usually secured against pools of illiquid loans , offer financial institutions a means of removing assets from their balance sheets and thus reducing capital requirements ; but such securitisation can also be seen as a tool which facilitates the separation of the loan origination and funding function of banks .
21 This process may also be seen as a cause of the patchy distribution of dissipation mentioned in Section 20.3 .
22 The Child Poverty Action Group might also be seen as an expert and appropriate group to raise social security matters , having been for many years active in campaigning on such matters .
23 But the BIS can also be seen as the project of a dissident Quakerism which led Elizabeth Pease Nichol to leave the Friends on her marriage ; the Peases found collaborators in the Dubliner Richard Webb whose contempt for the ‘ form and conventionalisms ’ of British reformers has already been indicated and his Unitarian associates such as James Haughton .
24 For the rural population these policies could also be seen as the direct answer to its immediate problems .
25 Although in a world under divine guidance their actions can be said to actualize the Lord 's will , these actions can also be seen as the expression of women 's resentment and rebellion .
26 Various other strands of penal policy — the prison building programme ( see Chapter 5 ) , privatization ( see Chapter 10 ) , and the Fresh Start on prison officers ' pay — can also be seen as the product of a combination of political ideology and material circumstances .
27 The exhibition will also be seen at the Tate Gallery in London ( late January 1996 to late April1996 ) and at the Philadelphia Museum of Art ( May 1996 to July 1996 ) .
28 The consequences of these same changes can also be seen at the other end of the life course , in old age .
29 Good photography can also be seen at the Stills Gallery where the second part of Aqua Vitae , a collaborative project with Street Level in Glasgow , can be seen .
30 The dominance of economic terms of reference , to the possible detriment of clients , rather than matters of public service can also be seen over the issue of who was to be accepted as a member of the scheme .
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