Example sentences of "also [verb] [conj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Private ownership is also justified because by permitting individual property owners to pursue their own self-interest in a competitive market it is argued that we achieve an optimal allocation of society 's resources .
2 I also hope that by paying tax I will be seen as what I am — a hardworking woman with a contribution to make to the moral and practical well-being of the country .
3 Such revolutionaries also complain that by adhering so closely to the old subject divisions , in the past characteristic more of GCE O levels than of the CSE , those who devised the new examination missed a great opportunity .
4 Sociology will need to make use of psychoanalytic theory to the extent that it seeks to be not only accumulating knowledge and developing theory for its own sake , but also acknowledges that by doing this it is changing society 's own self-understanding .
5 The counsellor must also recognize that in returning to past experiences , there will be regrets and disappointments as well as joys and successes .
6 The Companies Act 1981 also provided that in determining the aggregate amount of any item in a company 's balance sheet or profit and loss account , the amount of each individual asset or liability included in that amount shall be determined separately .
7 I also believe that upon taking up their post , all new post holders should receive a pack from HQ detailing their duties and rights , as well as outlining a training plan to support their work .
8 She says she would make these images whether she was selling them or not , but she also notes that in painting them she has ‘ such enormous fun ’ .
9 He also saw that by inviting Nixon when he was out of office with few prospects of getting back into it , Ceauşescu struck a chord with the future US President , who would remain loyal to his friend in need .
10 It is also emphasised that in applying accounting standards it is necessary to be guided by the spirit and the reasoning behind them , as set out in individual standards and in the ASB 's Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting .
11 They also claim that by bringing out a similar model , the XJR15 Jaguar failed to keep its supercar exclusive .
12 I also think that before sitting in judgement on Dr Hari 's ‘ uncritical use of the concept of ‘ normality ’ ’ , a social scientist of Dr Oliver 's calibre might stop to think for a moment about the social context in which those remarks were made .
13 In a following question the SCI ( Scotland ) also admitted that in translating recommendations into a written report the point was often lost ; the discussions with the school and perhaps the LEA were the major reporting function .
14 It was also submitted that in deciding whether the agreement created a tenancy or a licence , the court should ignore the Rent Acts .
15 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
16 Mrs Oliver also said that since receiving her machine as a birthday present last year , she has become totally ‘ hooked ’ , is already producing garments for the family and ca n't think why she did n't buy a machine years ago .
17 MMC also said that in preparing its business plan each of our businesses should carry out a strategic review of its options in conjunction with a product/market sector analysis .
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