Example sentences of "these are [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 These are widely advertised in the evident continentality of so much of the late Permian and early Triassic record in Europe and North America .
2 These are widely considered in the literature already mentioned above .
3 These are regularly exceeded in London .
4 These are regularly organized in London and other centres throughout the country .
5 These are regularly held in Australia , New Zealand , South Africa and the United States .
6 Central Statistical Office Many aspects of the state 's activities involve the routine collection of statistics , and these are regularly published in booklets .
7 In acknowledging these principles , Sears ' is consistent with traditional ideas on the construction of alphabetical subject catalogues ; these are also followed in the Library of Congress List of Subject Headings .
8 These are also seen in Scotland , where they are known as ‘ peat hags ’ .
9 Similarly , if subjectivity and interiority are deemed to be essentially ‘ modernist ’ characteristics , then it has to be said that these are also challenged in a number of ways in novels such as Le Voyeur and L'Herbe .
10 These are also stored in a different place .
11 These are also concentrated in Kent with 65 per cent of the total ( 25 per cent at Faversham alone ) , and there is little change in this pattern through time except that the total quantities fall off during the seventh century .
12 Of the fifty reports of sexual attacks featured in the Coventry Evening Telegraph , thirteen refer to cases which are well outside the catchment area of the newspaper and these are also mentioned in the national press .
13 These are also found in poorly oxygenated ponds , where they can survive by breathing air .
14 The first two of these are also found in genuinely French versions , but not the latter two .
15 Most of these are also found in the upper canopy , although that is dominated by the wide-ranging bee , Apis dorsata , with Xylocopa bees also conspicuous .
16 These are clearly shown in the hotel descriptions ) .
17 There are certain exclusions and these are clearly shown in the Policy .
18 The first specimen to be formally described according to the rules laid down by Linnaeus ( and later codified by Strickland and others from 1842 on ) is the type , and these are carefully kept in great museums , which exchange duplicates after due comparison .
19 These are prominently displayed in the reservations area or the reception office and enable the receptionists to see at a glance whether they can accept a booking for a certain date .
20 The most important users of agency workers are establishments in the banking , insurance , finance and business services sector , again a result supporting the findings of our LFS analysis , and these are particularly concentrated in the business services sub-sector where agencies themselves are located .
21 These are briefly outlined in the protocol under each drug mentioned .
22 These are briefly described in Table 8.4 , and there are numerous examples which indicate that , overall , carefully managed agroforestry enterprises can be successful in so far as they provide a sustainable food supply and are environmentally conservational .
23 These are often described in terms of ‘ push-pull ’ factors , the ‘ push ’ being those that drive migrants from their villages , while the ‘ pull ’ attract them to the city .
24 Although twice as high a proportion of tropical plants contain potentially toxic alkaloids compared with extra-tropical ones and , although these are often concentrated in the young tissues of plants , insects specializing on such tissues may have rather unsophisticated problems compared with those feeding on mature leaves , where so much ‘ secondary chemistry ’ is manifest .
25 Almost all of these are now covered in a spurious black patina ( plate 8.3 ) ; indeed one can go through the sculpture galleries of the Greek and Roman Department and pick out the Payne Knight pieces from a distance , before checking against the registration number which invariably begins with 1824 .
26 The factory used to make cheque processing systems for banks ; these are now made in factories in France and America .
27 These are now considered in turn .
28 These are now described in turn :
29 These are then buried in the gravel to hold the features in place and to conceal the heaters and powerheads in my marine tank .
30 These are usually formulated in terms of differential equations .
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