Example sentences of "these [noun pl] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In these cases the fossils show that these features have developed through an ordered series of transformations leading to conditions in the jawed vertebrates .
2 In all of these cases the authors recommend that the best way of ensuring future timber resources is to organise forestry on a plantation basis ; this will necessitate massive afforestation schemes to combat the losses of natural forest and appropriate infrastructures to ensure survival .
3 In order to be able to handle these queries the GIS has two database systems .
4 During these discussions the strikers focused their political demands on the issue of party cells , but the authorities refused to convene an emergency Supreme Soviet session .
5 During these months the messages conveyed by coinage became very simple and explicit .
6 IN the first of these books the authors give their personal assessment of the Tigrayan revolution .
7 Hawton and Blackstock ( 1976 ) found that during these visits the doctors had , in most cases , detected symptoms of psychological distress , including anxiety and depression , and were also aware that the patients were contending with social and relationship difficulties .
8 In the large conurbations it was the boroughs that had the biggest impact on everyday life : outside these areas the counties mattered far more .
9 Capitalism is a system for the production of commodities , and to produce these commodities the things used to produce them must be reproduced , i.e. in its simplest sense , reproduction means the reproduction of labour power .
10 Faced with all these uncertainties the strategies adopted in the U.S.A. and Europe are in general different but usefully complementary .
11 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
12 Whatever may have happened , it was treated as an act of war and in these circumstances the perpetrators forfeited all rights .
13 In answering these questions the courts have relied on two traditional principles of English property law : i.e .
14 Under these conditions the fractions remain in suspension and undergo quite extensive morphogenesis .
15 Much of the next two years was passed in efforts to avert just such a development , and in these efforts the clergy played a positive role .
16 Against these sums the sentences imposed on the defendants appear modest when compared to less successful white-collar criminals .
17 For them it was a matter of how many extra staff they received in comparison with a school down the road , and judged in these terms the disparities aroused great resentment , especially among Phase 3 heads .
18 In these instances the segments differ little in size and proportions , but with the acquisition of wings a correlated specialization of the thorax usually results .
19 In all these examples the women worked away from home and for the most part received independent wages .
20 In these examples the therapists endeavoured to help the patients come to terms with the loss and at the same time tried to assist them to tackle the other problems they were facing .
21 In making the change , the Church effectively admitted that on these points the Reformers had been in the right .
22 On these issues the parties moved towards the concerns of the electorate .
23 When the entertainer calls one of these numbers the children have to run there .
24 Next to these instruments the violas blend best in unison with the clarinet , especially in the chalumeau register of the latter .
25 In these reports the organisms have been found in the surrounding mucosa rather than in the tumour itself .
26 [ Counsel for the defendant ] … contends that in view of these omissions the proceedings to recover possession fail ab initio .
27 On these occasions the gloves came off as the Service most adversely affected sought support in Parliament , in the media , from industry , and from the electorate , in what it saw as its fight for survival .
28 Whenever they reached one of these rifts the rabbits huddled together , waiting for Hazel or Bigwig to climb the further side and find a way forward .
29 The myriad cells of the brain are like the shells where pearls are born but incomparably finer , and in these cells the ideas sleep through time , and are cut and polished and made perfect and they at last enter a crucible where the new crystal is reborn and is grown .
30 From these categories the authors designated 42 as acts of communication by the mother and 32 that could be interpreted as communication by the infant ( burps and smiles for example ) .
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