Example sentences of "these [noun] [am/are] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These ponies are going to work in the coldest place on earth — they need a lot of food — more than this ! ’
2 in a few years this er , they 're not building houses so these houses are gon na go , rocket again
3 In September these birds are changing to their ‘ eclipse ’ plumage , where the black of the head becomes just a dark spot behind the eye .
4 How interesting these Oscars are proving to be .
5 Yeah , but not only that , I mean , they will now all these shops are doing like a mail order
6 These animals are moving into the ecological niche left vacant by the disappearance of the last big predators from Western Europe : wolves , bears and lynx . ’
7 Hundreds of thousands of these animals are dying at man 's hand every year .
8 These kids are coming to my house every night .
9 Ironically , these kids are doing to the Lo Life name what the real Lo Lifers themselves do to Ralph Lauren 's — using its status for their own ends .
10 But I do know what these designers are talking about and it 's light years away from the ever-so-respectable , traditional French and Italian fashion design .
11 The simple fact is you presume , do you not , that these sites are going to be developed ?
12 These sites are going to be warden run with proper sanitation and all the rest of it , so I do n't see any problem at all .
13 Now he 's gon na be a very busy man this person , if it is still a man , who 's going to make sure that all these Trusts are acting in an accountable way and eliminating all this bureaucracy .
14 We 'll be limited in our ability to find out what these Trusts are doing with public money , what they 're doing er er in su su what they 're doing er i i i in support of , support of patients .
15 Many of these countries are suffering under an enormous burden of debt .
16 Yet in fact the principle at stake is quite a different one : these texts are dealing with a special type of trust of the residue of an estate , under which a trustee was requested on his death to hand over whatever was left of the estate he had inherited .
17 Then , ‘ Mind , ’ Bella said as Marie , sweating and out of breath , struggled to shove the wheelchair back up the hill from the prom , ‘ mind , these chips are swimming in vinegar .
18 These sentiments are beginning to be echoed by others in similar positions .
19 Porter , quoted by Hall , suggests that these IRCs are removing from the research councils money which should be allocated to ‘ responsive mode funding ’ ( researchers applying directly to the councils for research grants ) and basic research , because they were set up to foster research areas thought to have potential economic importance .
20 We want to find out exactly what impact these films are having on tourism . ’
21 Unsuitability might mean that these universities are researching in areas not covered by the mainstream journals , but inspection of the thesis titles does not support this .
22 Unsuitability might mean that these universities are researching in areas not covered by the mainstream journals , but inspection of the thesis titles does not support this .
23 In any event , more and more leagues these days are insisting on member clubs having sightscreens .
24 These days are coming to an end now that he is 40 — his birthday was celebrated recently by his family and a few hundred close friends in the style of This Is Your Life at his local club .
25 We are all very conscious that the people we appoint to governorships these days are going to be a.
26 Breaking down barriers and creating an environment of openness and candour , changing the corporate culture from one of obligation to one of commitment — all these things are happening throughout Guinness Brewing Worldwide today .
27 ‘ I would say that nobody who has criticised the proposal to sell has come up with an alternative as to how these things are going to be funded , ’ Dr Macmillan said .
28 These things are going on all the time .
29 Sculptures and dolls and statues and bells and odd buildings , and sometimes Hosanna 's there and it 's nearly all right but these things are laughing at me , never with me .
30 these firms are gon na pack up !
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