Example sentences of "these [noun] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Other topics include evaluation of the whole spectrum of immunoassay technology and tackling the sorts of questions that non-biologists and the regulatory authorities would ask ( because most of these assays need to be fully validated ) .
2 But these cases seem to be exceptional and therefore , provided that the potential dangers and difficulties are borne in mind , provenance will normally provide a good indication of mint .
3 As a defence to exceeding the normal drivers ' hours of work , it was argued successfully , before the Kent Justices sitting at Sandwich , that these hours had to be departed from having regard to the care and comfort of the passengers .
4 These scouts need to be aware of new fashions as they happen so we can react immediately .
5 These views seem to be widespread .
6 Further , particularly under a current cost system , these values have to be kept up to date .
7 This association was confirmed by analysis of early first-century BC Greek coins ( fig. 5.5 ) from the region ; some of these coins proved to be made of brass typical of the cementation process and they thus pre-date Roman use of the alloy .
8 Foods from all these groups need to be chosen on a daily basis but it helps to think of choosing from at least two of these , including the cereal or fruit and vegetable group , when selecting foods for each meal as well .
9 These groups need to be able to recognize problem drinking and its causes and effects , have a knowledge of the help required , be able to provide counselling and know when to seek more expert help .
10 These groups refused to be specific as regards how far they would go in their opposition but , as Peter Shanley of the MEG told Today Tonight ‘ We 're not ruling out any action whatsoever ’ .
11 While these sketches tend to be exaggerated at the witnesses ' expense they may provide useful cross-examination material , particularly if you can obtain corroboration from other witnesses .
12 These activities had to be either totally abandoned or curtailed .
13 And it appears that these activities need to be reassessed periodically if one is to understand the child 's developmental course .
14 With the advent of the CAD system all of these activities need to be rethought .
15 The tone of these programmes tends to be relentlessly promotional , but the occasional clip might be useable and it 's a source worth investigating if you are short of materials .
16 The numbers of state bureaucrats and managerial staff in industry and agriculture were reduced because these institutions appeared to be developing as centres of opposition to the party ( Szajkowski 1981 , p. 34 ) .
17 The massive anxiety aroused by these conflicts has to be resolved , or else the nurse will either drop out of training as a ‘ failure ’ , or resolve the conflict by reverting to defensive techniques .
18 Remember , too , from what we have already said , that these conflicts need to be in order of ascending difficulty .
19 It is a sad fact that these ponies have to be born at all , but hundreds are , every year , bred on our moorlands and then rounded up during autumn to be sold for a pittance at the sale .
20 The Court of Appeal said that public interest in non-disclosure for these reasons had to be weighed against public interest in justice being done .
21 These signs need to be in languages other than English if appropriate .
22 Even the most myopic Teuton must have been able to see that the politely inquisitive Englishman being entrusted with these confidences had to be an Intelligence man .
23 These proposals need to be considered in the context of both new European directives and also of the UK life market .
24 These beetles happen to be haplodiploid , like bees and ants ( see Chapter 10 ) .
25 In fact the main lessons of these attempts seems to be to those outside Spiralynx — that organising from the outside is impossible .
26 Most people , he finds , positively enjoy having one or two large grand rooms and , since the main staterooms in these houses tend to be on one floor , they can be apportioned between the individual houses .
27 Most of these birds seem to be visitors from outside the county .
28 The benefit of these reactions have to be understood in terms of life in the wild , where fighting off predators , or fleeing from them , may literally be a matter of life or death .
29 These reactions seem to be independent of dose and a number have occurred in patients previously exhibiting allergic reactions to sulphasalazine .
30 Somehow these barters have to be broken down if computer applications are really going to succeed .
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