Example sentences of "just as [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Just as skilful as skiing , and , and er ice skating though it 's not phenomenal about sports
2 To represent Britain in the way I 'm doing , to me that 's just as good as fighting in the war .
3 I think antagonising people is just as good as making people happy . ’
4 just as effective and contains no hazardous ingredients .
5 However , they are just as effective when worked in the same yarn as is usual for Aran garments .
6 It was pride , she supposed ; deep down the prospect of fading away , giving up , was just as terrifying as seeing Luke Denner again .
7 This is just as beneficial as having animal protein .
8 The chart , carelessly applied , using the wrong sightings off the wrong landmarks could lead us into error and be just as dangerous as ignoring it completely .
9 But these are conclusions based on well-resourced day-care centres , and generalization to , say , the child minders described by Jackson , is just as dangerous as generalizing from residential care .
10 In spite of what the candidates may feel at the time , there is no stigma or criticism in being allocated a job flying something other than a fast jet : rescuing downed pilots in foul conditions or carrying out low level paratroop insertions in a Hercules are just as dangerous and demanding .
11 Let a rug or painting suggest or inspire the colour scheme ; if you ca n't revamp old curtains ( though beware ! re-making can sometimes be just as expensive as starting afresh ) turn them into cushions ; cut down carpets which no longer fit but are too good to be thrown out , and make them into small rugs .
12 What 's up here ? ’ her reaction on looking down on Agnes was just as loud and domineering : ‘ Which bloody fool among you brought her in !
13 I decided that aiming my camera at the TV set was just as reasonable as aiming it out the window " ( ART news , Jan. 1986 ) .
14 The problem of passive viewing is also just as real and viewing tasks are just as important .
15 Although dairy or dairy-cross calves are most commonly affected it should be recognised that autumn-born born single-suckled beef calves are just as susceptible when turned out to grass in early summer .
16 Well this is all very admirable , you might say , and is n't the climbing world just as helpful and welcoming to one newcomer as the next ?
17 In other departments the approach to assessment was deliberately kept as informal and flexible as possible , as in the following extended quotation from the Head of Drama at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ , which illustrates that this type of apparent informality can be just as thorough and searching , if not more so , than many supposedly more objective methods :
18 It flattered his vanity to think himself in love with me ; it also gave him , I believe , some unadmitted pleasure constantly to long for my flesh and yet always to forbid himself the attaining of it : to deny himself was just as exciting as to indulge himself .
19 After two months , Joy 's enjoyment of tricking the customers was decreasing , there was still no difference and the customers were just as rude or getting even worse , for more ‘ skinnys ’ were arriving and ordering more food .
20 Bissell 's own molecular composition , including the clothes he had been wearing , had proved just as chaotic as expected .
21 They have quite a few biscuits for snacks although that 's probably just as bad as eating sweets — even the reduced-sugar teething rusks I give Jake taste quite sweet .
22 I think there 's a danger that you can go over the top with praise , in that you 're anxious to give quality feedback , the thing that you have to be careful with is that it 's not just meaningless like that , because that can be just as bad as giving negative feedback .
23 forgotten all about it , anyway she found a little dent apparently our Laura said that 's just as bad as finding lumps .
24 Children who had seen the ending of the film were the aggressor was berated were just as aggressive if rewarded with candy for every act they could re-create from the film .
25 That game in the fascinating title run-in is on April 12 , just six days before the Gunners ' Coca-Cola Cup final against Sheffield Wednesday , but Graham pledged : ‘ United will be expecting us to play just as hard and do them a favour — and we will do our best . ’
26 But I reckon that 's tiring myself , well , not tiring , it 's just as hard as doing a job — I do n't care what any man says …
27 Partner Griff Rhys Jones was just as scruffy and grinning manically .
28 ( Just as unlikely as eating part of a dieffenbachia leaf . )
29 Regular physical activity or exercise is just as important as eating the right type of food .
30 Just as important as establishing what to include is deciding what to exclude , and it is here that the purists may find cause to tar and feather us .
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