Example sentences of "just as [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Grimwood reports Newman did arrive and spoilt their act just as they 'd got Lennox to agree to sign .
2 I made a point of saying to the Indian Ministers whom I met that , just as they had announced elections in the Punjab , so it would be excellent if they could start a political process in Kashmir so that there would be people representing the Kashmiris with whom the Government could talk .
3 The rumours killed Rachel Jackson before hubby took office , just as they had killed his 1824 presidential bid .
4 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
5 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
6 Just as they had done on May Day , the anti-Communist demonstrators who marched across Red Square , after the official parade , left Gorbachev in no doubt as to his own unpopularity and that of his regime .
7 If they were to set up their own company in America instead , and negotiate a distribution deal with an American major just as they had done with Island when first setting up Virgin — then that profit margin could be inflated from around 18 per cent to 80 per cent .
8 Britain 's economic problems added to the sensitivity of her leaders , and to the conviction that the Americans were trying to undermine the British Empire just as they had destroyed that of the Dutch in Indonesia in the late 1940s .
9 In the distance she heard the faint sounds of voices from the pool , and her dazed eyes rested on the green palm trees out on the terrace , while the dim light of the courtyard shut out the horrors of the morning , and she saw the gleaming white tower of a mosque against the deep sky and the far-off mountains , just as they had looked in the travel brochures .
10 England defender Pallister was then handed the responsibility of keeping United in continental competition but , just as they had failed in a penalty shoot-out against Videoton in the Cup Winners ' Cup in 1985 , so they were again to be engulfed in misery .
11 Speaker 12 used Creole syntax and phonology and was judged to be black by the majority of respondents , just as they had judged Speaker 2 ( = 11 ) to be black in her " Creole " guise .
12 They scattered for safety as a coach pulled up ; it had begun its final tumultuous dash from Trafalgar Square just as they had hammered at the door .
13 They have to promote themselves now just as they 've got to get bums on seats as they say .
14 This would have been a stage towards the best-remembered dance sequence in the film , prominently featured in That 's Entertainment ! ( 1974 ) , when they go ‘ Dancing In The Dark ’ in a fantasy Central Park , she in a pleated white skirt and flat shoes , he in a light sport jacket and slacks , just as they 've come from rehearsal .
15 To use the language of Moscovici and his co-workers ( Moscovici , 1982 , 1983 , 1984 ; Jodelet , 1984 ) social psychologists need to gather information about the social representation of ‘ prejudice ’ in majority discourse , just as they have studied the social representation of minority groups .
16 But since some writers do seem to have an aversion to the hyphen — just as they have lost the art of splitting words in the logical places ( tran-sport , winds-creen , ins-pector , screwd-river , etc ) — let them run them together for clarity .
17 But just as they have done throughout the past three years , we find the Opposition spokesmen contradicting each other .
18 Just as they have struggled against West Indian speed , they have now been unhinged by Indian spin .
19 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
20 So er says right , I 'll see you later , and just as we 'd gone away Joke got back out the car er , and she says do n't worry about the money .
21 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
22 It 's unfortunate your big end 's gone just as we 've run out of lanolin , will axle grease do ?
23 In that erm just as we 've discussed the allocation of work on the airframe between the four nations on m most pieces of equipment there is a an allocation between the four nations and er in in many cases a consortium with the same members has actually won the competitions on five or six different pieces of equipment .
24 They could forgive this young man , just as we had to forgive the man who failed to secure his trailer , or they could allow bitterness to completely neutralise everything God was doing in their lives .
25 Then , just as we had begun to enjoy the blissful peace and calm of spring , the wedding season reached its climax .
26 Just as we have adopted an intuitive approach to the concept of set so we shall allow our intuition to guide us in the matter of whether or not an explanation is logically acceptable : to formalise the notion of acceptability would take us too far afield , into symbolic logic .
27 We can say , too , that if there are large creatures in Loch Ness , then they would appear on sonar just as we have recorded them .
28 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
29 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
30 Different species of lemur occupy different living spaces just as we have seen with the guenons of the African forests .
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