Example sentences of "just as [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This fresh blow came just as Exxon felt it was struggling free from the morass of the Alaskan spill .
2 God keep you , Solper , ’ he muttered and went towards the door just as Fitzosbert threw it open .
3 Ships docking at Amnisos could well have found themselves trapped there by a north wind , just as Odysseus claimed he was .
4 And that 's what causes tragic failures like Matthew Smith and Augustus John — they 've done the Paris rat and they live ever after in the shadow of Gauguin and Matisse or whoever it may be — just as G.P. says he once lived under the shadow of Braque and suddenly woke up one morning to realize that all he had done for five years was a lie , because it was based on Braque 's eyes and sensibilities and not his own .
5 The phone rang just as Gedge believed he was about to be belted and the situation was thus defused .
6 Just as Jesus taught them the truth because he was Truth , so the Spirit of Truth would lead them into all the truth about Jesus ( 14:6,17 , 15:26 , 16:13 ) .
7 This is a topic that some who visit the elderly find extremely boring , just as others find it fascinating .
8 Bob Calder grinned and put a steadying hand on her arm just as Nicolo reached them .
9 Now , just as Norman thought he had rekindled his old flame with a closing 63 at Montego Bay that would have floored anyone but Faldo , he must recover his wits again .
10 Then I thought of another question — just as Mala asked it .
11 The media believed it knew what to give audiences just as academics believed they knew what is right to teach people and the way to teach them .
12 Matisse comes at the end of a tradition of Renaissance illusionism and volumetric painting which is irrevocably shifting into something different and he wants it both ways , just as Giotto wanted it both ways .
13 Be imitators of God , therefore , as dearly loved children , and live a life of love , just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God ( Eph. 4:3–5:2 ) .
14 One can still climb Lewesdon through its aisles of trees and see the wide scene with its distinctive landmarks just as Crowe saw it , though the crowding sails of the ships of the line and the merchantmen have gone .
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