Example sentences of "just [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I find I can easily put things into perspective , see both sides of an issue , if I just sit around for a while and I probably do that for half an hour a day .
2 Just sit there in a
3 Right , just sit down for a minute and let's , Michael read his first .
4 Basically , I just sit down with a little Pignose amp and a tape recorder and play all night . ’
5 But as he pulls at the silk of her sari , it just unwinds endlessly in a cloud of colour until he falls bundled in fabric .
6 So er to get to your question erm I 've sort of not been doing anything erm I was hoping that I would be sort of fully fit round about now and then if I saw something on teletext er that was good I 'd just buzz off for a week or so .
7 Owner Stewart Tarratt said : ‘ There were several burglaries that night and I think the thief just stopped here for a meal break . ’
8 Ah equally um , just to go off at a tangent a bit , um there 're a number of more radical theorists , in particular the um in the Bonnie Burstow book Radical Feminist Therapy , would say that um rather like with other forms of sexual crime , the people who 've been victimised , people who 've survived , are often inclined to say something along the lines of mm y'know did i did I bring it on myself kind of kind of feeling .
9 Well he 's taken us out when they 've been to bloody shop working and come back and wa I admitted that , but I mean just to go out for an evening .
10 just to go out on a Monday with her , cos she does n't have nursery on a Monday , Tiffany .
11 THERE was much early enthusiasm from both sides in this senior friendly at Hamilton Park with visitors Portadown just hanging on for a narrow victory .
12 United Airlines and American Airlines I 've been told are n't really all that good to fly with , mate of ours went up to the airport to pick his parents up , they just got back from a holiday in and er they flew and a , on a seven hour journey , where ever it was they come from , they did n't have any food , no food , nothing , what they done is they , they , they 'd taken a container off , but they had n't put a new one on .
13 Erm , well what your mum and dad said to me is that he gets very worried , het up , really tensed about doing things , that 's going , you know , things that are gon na happen , like just driving down to a different place , er and he get 's himse himself so het up , so worried , he makes himself ill , I think that 's what 's happened
14 She said she could n't stay , that she had just dropped in for a minute .
15 They were just dropped out of a union , it just happens the one we 're quite friendly with at the moment .
16 But it has to be something good , or it will just fizzle out like a damp squib and you 'll feel worse than ever . ’
17 He says over the last five years it 's got far more popular … it 's a sport which is developing … it 's just opening up as a competitve sport …
18 I 've just sat down on a hairbrush ! ’
19 This is not just climbing on to a fashionable band-wagon , it is facing up to the fact that for the first time in the history of our science we are approaching a general theory of the earth .
20 It would just fall off like a dust .
21 We could just fall back on a bit of sweets and chocolate or something in the end but I 'd like to get some
22 ‘ Actually they 're meat and coconut , just mixed together with a touch of coriander .
23 A Dessie Edgar corner was neatly side-footed home in 79 minutes by Victor Welch who had just come on as a sub .
24 We like your cleverness Has he given it more thought , he 's just come up with a really clever idea I think there
25 We turned our ponies and galloped back to the Legation , where we learnt that news had just come in of a great victory for the Shoan army .
26 The successful receptionist models could be used to devise special training to enable CAB receptionists to ascertain the depth of a problem ; they could serve the dual function of assessing which clients have just come in for a form or a local address and they could make appointments for others in person or by telephone and smooth the queue .
27 Dates have just come in for a series of Ovation guitar clinics , with Ian Aitken : Wed Oct 14th , Picton Music , Swansea ; Thu 15th , Cranes Music , Cardiff ; Mon 26th , Oasis Music , Ringwood , Hants ; Tues 27th , Soundpad , Barnstaple ; Thu 29th , Avalon Music , Sevenoaks ; Wed 11th Nov , Music Inn , Nottingham ; Thu 12th , Musical Exchange , Birmingham ; Fri 13th , Foulds of Derby ; Wed 18th , Rose Morris Music Store , London .
28 The puppy was probably encouraged to jump up when he was small and everyone thought it was quite fun , but now he is large , and has probably just come in from a swim in the pool and Aunty is standing there in her Sunday best .
29 She opened the door before Massingham had time to ring , her handsome shield-shaped face composed under the light brown fringe , and looking in her shirt , slacks and leather jerkin as elegantly informal as if she had just come in from a country walk .
30 ONLY a dealer who had just come back from a weekend in the Kalahari desert would have been surprised to hear of yesterday 's agreed £337.6m bid by MB Group for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products group , so comprehensive has been the pre-match publicity .
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